...a light shining in a dark place
until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
2 Peter 1:19
Celestial Signs - Genesis 1:14, Psalm 19
Dec 30 - Moon at the
bull’s eye of Taurus
Jan 1 & 31 - 2 Full Moons / Supermoon!
It will reappear as a
visible supermoon on New Year’s Day 2018 and again on Jan. 31.
Jan 4 - Moon and Regulus conjunction
Jan 4 - Moon and Regulus conjunction
Jan 6/7 – Jupiter and
Mars Conjunction - http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/mars-jupiter-conjunction/
- http://earthsky.org/tonight/marsjupiter-conjunction-on-january-7
- before dawn on Sunday in your southeast sky
Jan 9 – Venus and Sun at Superior Conjunction
Jan 10-12 - Moon and planets - http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/photos-planets-dawn-mars-jupiter-mercury-jan-2018
- http://earthsky.org/tonight/marsjupiter-conjunction-on-january-7
- before dawn on Sunday in your southeast sky
Jan 9 – Venus and Sun at Superior Conjunction
Jan 10-12 - Moon and planets - http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/photos-planets-dawn-mars-jupiter-mercury-jan-2018
Jan 29 - http://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-by-gemini-stars-castor-and-pollux
Jan 31 - Supermoon (blue moon) will also feature a total lunar eclipse
Jan 31 - Supermoon (blue moon) will also feature a total lunar eclipse
January - What's in the Sky
Mazzaroth - The Gospel in the Stars
"His descendants shall endure
And his throne as the sun before
It shall be established
forever like the moon,
And the witness in the
sky is faithful." Selah.
Psalm 89 : 36-37
Historical events by Hebrew date:
The 10th month
(Tevet / Tebeth) began after the sighting of the new moon on Dec 19.
The 11th month (Shevat) began after the sighting of the new moon on Jan. 18.
The 11th month (Shevat) began after the sighting of the new moon on Jan. 18.
Timeline –www.informedchristians.com:
10 In the Spiritual Year
Tevet / Tebeth
Month 11 In the Spiritual Year
That ye may be blameless and harmless,
the sons of God, without rebuke,
in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,
among whom
ye shine as lights
in the world.
Philippians 2:15
Be alert and always keep on
praying ...
Eph. 6
Be sober, be vigilant; because
your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour: 1
Peter 5:8-9
2018 dates and
calendar templates
Current Events
Dec 31 - New Year's
Dec 31 - NOLA NYE
parade & Sugar Bowl - New Orleans
Jan 1 - 129th Rose
Parade in Pasadena on New Year’s Day
Monday, January 1,
2018 - 8:00am - theme “Making A Difference”
Jan 1 - Full Supermoon
Jan 5 - Jupiter’s Moon hits U.K. theaters
Jan 5/6 - Sabbath Parashah is Shemot which means "The Names." Shemot is also the Hebrew name for the book of Exodus. - http://torahcalendar.com/
Jan 6 - Epiphany
1-6/7 - Cairo's new 'The Nativity of Christ' Cathedral dedicated Sat. eve. by Egypt's Copts for Orthodox Christmas - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/04/egypts-new-cathedral-may-big-target-isis-coptic-christians-fear-isis-they-celebrate-opening-new-cath/1003751001/
- http://en.wataninet.com/coptic-affairs-coptic-affairs/coptic-affairs/cathedral-of-the-nativity-of-christ/22526/
Jan 6-7 – Camp David retreat for Trump and Sen. McConnell and House Speaker Ryan
Jan 6 - Last night Empire State Bldg Christmas lights in green and red, topped off with a candy cane striped antenna. https://twitter.com/EmpireStateBldg - http://www.esbnyc.com/explore/tower-lights
Jan 7 - Orthodox Christmas (Julian Calendar)
Jan 6 - Epiphany
1-6/7 - Cairo's new 'The Nativity of Christ' Cathedral dedicated Sat. eve. by Egypt's Copts for Orthodox Christmas - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/04/egypts-new-cathedral-may-big-target-isis-coptic-christians-fear-isis-they-celebrate-opening-new-cath/1003751001/
- http://en.wataninet.com/coptic-affairs-coptic-affairs/coptic-affairs/cathedral-of-the-nativity-of-christ/22526/
Jan 6-7 – Camp David retreat for Trump and Sen. McConnell and House Speaker Ryan
Jan 6 - Last night Empire State Bldg Christmas lights in green and red, topped off with a candy cane striped antenna. https://twitter.com/EmpireStateBldg - http://www.esbnyc.com/explore/tower-lights
Jan 7 - Orthodox Christmas (Julian Calendar)
Jan 7 - Golden Globe Awards
Jan 7 - final day of ONEderland - https://oneworldobservatory.com/en-US/winteronederland
- Follow Ollie the snow owl - https://oneworldobservatory.com/en-US/about-us
Jan 7 - final day of ONEderland - https://oneworldobservatory.com/en-US/winteronederland
- Follow Ollie the snow owl - https://oneworldobservatory.com/en-US/about-us
Jan 12-13 – Torah Reading – Va Era “And
I Appeared” - http://torahcalendar.com/
Jan 13-14 – Julian calendar - New Year's Eve / New Year's Day
Jan 15 - MLK holiday
Jan 15 - Pope Francis to Chile and Peru
Jan 19 - "12 Strong" movie premiere
Jan 19/20 - Parasha Bo (Come!) 5778
Jan 20/21 - Women's March Weekend (anniv. of 2017 rallies)
Jan 21 * 11-3 - Las Vegas Rally - http://www.powertothepolls.com/
Jan 15 - MLK holiday
Jan 15 - Pope Francis to Chile and Peru
Jan 19 - "12 Strong" movie premiere
Jan 20 - Midnight US government shutdown / budget not approved
Jan 20 - 1 year anniv. of Trump's InnaugurationJan 20/21 - Women's March Weekend (anniv. of 2017 rallies)
Jan 21 * 11-3 - Las Vegas Rally - http://www.powertothepolls.com/
Jan 21 - Pence visit to Israel - https://www.axios.com/israeli-officials-expecting-pence-visit-on-january-21-2521866759.html
Jan 22 - ID change - https://www.dhs.gov/real-id
Jan 22 – Roe vs. Wade – 1973 Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion
Jan 22 – Trumps' 13th wedding anniversary
Jan 23-26 - World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland – https://twitter.com/Davos
Jan 23-24 - 10th Conference on European Space Policy - Brussels
- http://www.spaceconference.eu/welcome.html
Jan 27 - UN International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust (A/RES/60/7)
Jan 27-28 - Rome / Villa Aurora - IDA "conduct first ever ground penetrating radar survey"
- https://twitter.com/DigiArchaeo/status/956884623245676544 (site of US Embassy in Rome)
Jan 28 - 60th Grammy Awards - New York City (change of date/location) ("Time's Up" - white roses)
Jan 30 - Trump's US State of the Union address
Jan 31 - EU and Norway to convene an extraordinary session of the international donor group for Palestine (AHLC)
- https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/38108/eu-and-norway-convene-extraordinary-session-international-donor-group-palestine-ahlc_en
- https://www.algemeiner.com/2018/01/12/does-europe-want-peace-or-political-relevance/
Jan 31 - Supermoon (blue moon) will also feature a total lunar eclipse
Jan 31- 11-1 pm United Nations Holocaust Memorial Ceremony - General Assembly Hall, NYC
Moon at Leo / Regulus - http://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-regulus-from-dusk-till-dawn
Jan 22 – Roe vs. Wade – 1973 Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion
Jan 22 – Trumps' 13th wedding anniversary
Jan 23-26 - World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland – https://twitter.com/Davos
Jan 23-24 - 10th Conference on European Space Policy - Brussels
- http://www.spaceconference.eu/welcome.html
Jan 27 - UN International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust (A/RES/60/7)
Jan 27-28 - Rome / Villa Aurora - IDA "conduct first ever ground penetrating radar survey"
- https://twitter.com/DigiArchaeo/status/956884623245676544 (site of US Embassy in Rome)
Jan 28 - 60th Grammy Awards - New York City (change of date/location) ("Time's Up" - white roses)
Jan 30 - Trump's US State of the Union address
Jan 31 - EU and Norway to convene an extraordinary session of the international donor group for Palestine (AHLC)
- https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/38108/eu-and-norway-convene-extraordinary-session-international-donor-group-palestine-ahlc_en
- https://www.algemeiner.com/2018/01/12/does-europe-want-peace-or-political-relevance/
Jan 31 - Supermoon (blue moon) will also feature a total lunar eclipse
Jan 31- 11-1 pm United Nations Holocaust Memorial Ceremony - General Assembly Hall, NYC
Shevat 15 - Tu
B'Shvat New Year for Trees
(calendar does rely on new moon sighting)
(month begins after sighting of new moon)
Feb 1/2 - Shevat 15 - Tu B'Shvat New Year for TreesMoon at Leo / Regulus - http://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-regulus-from-dusk-till-dawn
Feb 1 - Window to the Heart - Times Square Valentine Heart Design will be on view at the center of the Crossroads of the World. ... unveiled on February 1 at 11am at Father Duffy Square, between 46th and 47th Streets.
Jan. / Shevat
1-19-20 * 11-2 - "Bo" - Parasha Bo (Come!/Enter!) 5778
Exodus 10:1–13:16; Jeremiah 46:13–28; Revelation 9:1–21
http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Scripture/Parashah/parashah.html (audio) Exodus 13:17–17:16; Judges 4:4–5:31; 2 Peter 1
“Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, 'Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.'” (Exodus 13:17)
Shabbat Shirah or the "Sabbath of Song." Israel sang the Song of Moses [Exodus 15:1-19] at the Exodus [Deuteronomy 32:1-43] and it was sung by those who survived the Great Tribulation in 70 C.E. according to Revelation 15:3.
Parashah is Be-Shallach which means "When He Had Sent."
Exodus 13:17-17:16, Judges 4:4-5:31 Extra Readings Exodus 15:1-21
Ongoing –
TBA - Arch of
Triumph of Palmyra, Syria returns to Palmyra ??
But they that wait upon
the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31