Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 2024 Events

 Lift up your heads, O gates! 
Be lifted up, O ancient doors, 
that the King of Glory may enter! 
Psalm 24:9

When they saw the star, ⭐️
         🌟  (astér ~ Greek: ἀστήρ)
they rejoiced with great delight. ✨
Matthew 2:9-10

God’s creation and word are interconnected! 
Reflecting on the beauty and growing in understanding. 
astér: a star – Greek: ἀστήρ

Celestial Signs - Genesis 1:14, Psalm 19

Biblical Calendar – Starts in the spring

There is also a Civil calendar that begins with Rosh Hashanah in the fall.
Month – Religious/Civil on Hebrew calendar / Corresponding Gregorian months




Processing grapes, figs and olives

7 / 1

Tishri* (Ethanim)


Early rains begin; plowing

6th Month – Elul – Processing grapes, figs and olives

 Elul is called “the month of repentance,” “the month of mercy”
and “the month of forgiveness.”
Elul brings the daily blowing of the shofar
Repentance (Hebrew: תשובה, literally, "return," pronounced "tshuva" or "teshuva")
 is one element of atoning for sin.
7th Month – Ethanim / Tishri:  (1st Month of Civil Year) – Early rains begin; plowing
       begins after the sighting of the new moon in Jerusalem
http://torahcalendar.com (aligned with new moon and agriculture)
Historical events by Hebrew date:
  Torah tots: http://www.torahtots.com/timecapsule/thismonth.htm

https://www.chabad.org/calendar (Rabbinical / observed in Israel)
https://torahcalendar.com (Did not add a leap month this year) 
Timeline – http://www.informedchristians.com 

Month 6 - Elul - Rabbinical Calendar
Month 7 - Torah Calendar
Yom Teruah Day of Trumpets Rosh Hashanah The Civil New Year
Today is the birth day of the Messiah according to a sign in Revelation 12:1-2. It has traditionally been held that Yom Teruah in Year 6000 will herald the coming of the Messiah. Today begins 10 days of awe when we make wrongs right before Yom Kippur.

teshubah: a return, answer - Hebrew: תְּשׁוּבָה

Teshuvah 5784/5949/2024
Elul is the last month of the civic calendar in Judaism. Elul is the sixth month of the religious calendar.
Elul 1 marks the beginning of Teshuvah, a 40 day period that runs through the holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Teshuvah is the Hebrew word for repent.
On our western Gregorian calendar in the year 2024, this would be at sunset September 3rd as calculated by 21st century time keeping.

Intro Elul 2024 We Are His Witnesses and He is Ours

Sept 1 - A #polio vaccination campaign in #Gaza is planned to begin on 1 September. We welcome the commitment to humanitarian pauses in specific areas, and suspension of evacuation orders for the implementation of the campaign. But the only lasting medicine is peace. The only way to fully protect all the children of Gaza is a ceasefire.

Sept 3 - Rome’s ancient Arch of Constantine damaged by lightning
Rome’s ancient Arch of Constantine was hit by lightning during a heavy storm, causing some fragments to fall off. The arch, built in 315 to celebrate the victory of Emperor Constantine in the battle of Ponte Milvio, was already undergoing maintenance work, which had begun on Monday. Standing about 25 metres high, it is the largest of the three triumphal arches still preserved in Rome. It is located along the route followed by triumphal processions, near the Colosseum.
After a hot, dry summer, the centre of Rome was hit on Tuesday afternoon by a sudden storm, bringing heavy rain, high winds, thunder and lightning. More than 80 millimetres (3.1 inches) of rain per square metre fell on the historic centre — about the same amount that falls on average in a month in autumn, the municipality said. The “downburst” caused floods and winds of up to 90 kilometres per hour (56mph) that brought down trees

Sept 4-5 (Torah Calendar) - Yom Teruah Day of Trumpets Rosh Hashanah The Civil New Year - Today is the birth day of the Messiah according to a sign in Revelation 12:1-2. It has traditionally been held that Yom Teruah in Year 6000 will herald the coming of the Messiah. Today begins 10 days of awe when we make wrongs right before Yom Kippur.

Sept 10 - United Nations Opening of the 79th session: 10 September 2024 | A/INF/79/1
Sept 21 - UN International Day of Peace 2024
Gala Celebration – 21 September 2024

Sept 13 / Tishri - 7th month 10th day on Torah Calendar - Day of Atonement

Sep 17–18, 2024 - Partial Lunar Eclipse
Visible in Europe, Much of Asia (including Israel), Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
Oct 2, 2024 - Annular Solar Eclipse
Visible in South in North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica.

Cancer Moonshot" - meetings in Delaware!!  Biden's pet project in honor of his son, Bo!
Bo, Yeshua!!! Maranatha!!!

All about medical "health"!
Biden And Quad Leaders Announce Quad Cancer Moonshot Initiative In Wilmington, Delaware
Moonshot: an extremely ambitious and innovative project:
President Biden is meeting privately with the three other world leaders that make up the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue at his Delaware estate.
The White House released statements acknowledging the arrival of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida already, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was spotted arriving at the home on Saturday.

Sept 21 - UN International Day of Peace 2024
Sep 22, 2024 - Immediately before the Summit of the Future opening segment, a short video will be played in the General Assembly Hall summarizing the Summit of the Future Action Days.
The Summit of the Future (22-23 September 2024) is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments including to the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives.
Opening ceremony - - Adoption of the outcome document entitled “A Pact for the Future”, agreed in advance by consensus through intergovernmental negotiations, to which the Global Digital Compact and Declaration on Future Generations would be annexed if intergovernmentally agreed

A perfect time to be praying for the nations!!!!!!

Sept 21 being UN Peace Day!
I knew about this song, but now REMEMBER!! September 21
Earth, Wind & Fire - September (Official HD Video)

Sept 23 - UN Opening statement by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, at the Summit of the Future - General Assembly, 3rd plenary meeting, 79th session.

300 (also see August 1, 2024)
300 is the story of the epic battle of Thermopylae. 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army.
How much did the movie get right? - https://youtu.be/wSO8y1xmZIE
 300 - Official Trailer 2 - https://youtu.be/wDiUG52ZyHQ
Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years - Gen 5:22
300 cattle as Passover offerings - 2 Chronicles 35:8
Only 300 of the men drank from their hands - Judges 7:6
300 Hebrew: Achishachar: "brother of (the) dawn," a Benjamite
Original Word: אֲחִישׁחַר - mighty men of valor - 1 Chronicles 7:10
300 Greek: Amón: Amon, a king of Judah
Original Word: Ἀμών, ὁ - Matthew 1:10
Samson, angry that the father of a Philistine woman he married gave her to someone else (Judges 15:1 - 2), decides to get revenge. He catches 300 foxes
Before his brothers leave, however, Joseph has a tearful reunion with his youngest brother Benjamin and gives him a special gift of 300 pieces of silver (Genesis 45:22).
The dimensions of Noah's Ark, mandated by God, was 300 cubits long
The number 300 in the Hebrew alphabet is represented by its 21st letter called Shin. In the Greek alphabet it is represented by the letter Tau.
300 - Sheen / Bet - Repent - https://youtu.be/SYFs4zxF2U0
this fragrant oil could have been sold for above 300 denarii

Sept 23, 2024 - Israel hits 300 targets in expanded Lebanon strike campaign against Hezbollah
The Israeli military expanded its Lebanon campaign with hundreds of airstrikes early on Monday, as the long-simmering border conflict with Hezbollah threatened to explode into a larger war.
https://abc7chicago.com/israel-launches-dozens-of-airstrikes-on-southern-lebanon/15343183 - https://youtu.be/KSyJ-WdGw04 

ILTV News Flash - War Day 353 September 23, 2024
Airstrikes between Israel and Hezbollah continue, as the U.S. urges both sides from allowing the war to escalate.

Sept 22-23 - Summit of the Future: Opening Ceremony & Plenary segment | United Nations

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say,
“Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come,
and the one who desires the water of life drink freely.

Revelation 22:17

Sept 23, 2017 - 7 years since Revelation 12 Sign
Aug 21 - 7th Anniversary of America’s Eclipse Across 7 Salems

Sept 25-26 (Torah Calendar) - Today is Shemini Atzeret or the "Eighth Day Solemn Assembly." Shemini Atzeret is a Sabbath day separate and distinct from Sukkot. It is an appointed time the day after Sukkot on which Israel assembles. One tradition says Jacob married Rachel on this day.
Oct 7, 2023 was on Shemini Atzeret

Past and Ongoing September events:

Oct 2, 2024 - Annular Solar Eclipse
Visible in South in North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica.


Friday, August 16, 2024

August 2024 Events

... with the prayers of all God’s people, 
on the golden altar in front of the throne ...
Revelation 8:2-4

O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.
Psalm 8:1 

When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars,
which You have set in place— Psalm 8:3

Celestial Signs - Genesis 1:14, Psalm 19

Planets next to the Moon in August 2024
August 19: Full Moon - Supermoon, Blue Moon and Sturgeon Moon
August 21: Saturn near the Moon; lunar occultation of Saturn
August 21: Neptune near the Moon; lunar occultation of Neptune
August 25: Uranus near the Moon
August 27: Jupiter near the Moon
August 28: Mars near the Moon

Biblical Calendar – Starts in the spring
There is also a Civil calendar that begins with Rosh Hashanah in the fall.
Month – Religious/Civil on Hebrew calendar / Corresponding Gregorian months
Av (Ab)
A month of ripening grapes, figs & olives
Processing grapes, figs, almonds &  olives

5th  Month - Av (Ab) – A month of ripening grapes, figs & olives
       begins after the sighting of the new moon in Jerusalem
Historical events by Hebrew date:   Torah tots: http://www.torahtots.com/timecapsule/thismonth.htm
6th Month - Elul – Processing grapes, figs and olives
Elul – Beloved’s Harvest - https://tammyjdub.blogspot.com/2018/08/elul-beloveds-harvest.html
 Elul is called “the month of repentance,” “the month of mercy” and “the month of forgiveness.”
Elul brings the daily blowing of the shofar
Repentance (Hebrew: תשובה, literally, "return," pronounced "tshuva" or "teshuva") is one element of atoning for sin.

https://www.chabad.org/calendar (Rabbinical / observed in Israel)
https://torahcalendar.com (Did not add a leap month this year) 
Timeline – http://www.informedchristians.com 

Aug 1 - Day 300 of Israel-Hamas War
*300* - Noted March 2024 - Iran/Persia
March 20, 2024 - Nowruz, a.k.a. Persian New Year 2024
March 21, 1935 - Persia officially changed its name to Iran.
March 20 - Day 166 of Israel’s war against Hamas as the IDF wraps up its operation in and around Shifa hospital with over 300 terrorist suspects being held for interrogation. 

300 is the story of the epic battle of Thermopylae. 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army.
How much did the movie get right? - https://youtu.be/wSO8y1xmZIE
 300 - Official Trailer 2 - https://youtu.be/wDiUG52ZyHQ
Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years - Gen 5:22
300 cattle as Passover offerings - 2 Chronicles 35:8
Only 300 of the men drank from their hands - Judges 7:6
300 Hebrew: Achishachar: "brother of (the) dawn," a Benjamite
Original Word: אֲחִישׁחַר - mighty men of valor - 1 Chronicles 7:10
300 Greek: Amón: Amon, a king of Judah
Original Word: Ἀμών, ὁ - Matthew 1:10
Samson, angry that the father of a Philistine woman he married gave her to someone else (Judges 15:1 - 2), decides to get revenge. He catches 300 foxes
Before his brothers leave, however, Joseph has a tearful reunion with his youngest brother Benjamin and gives him a special gift of 300 pieces of silver (Genesis 45:22).
The dimensions of Noah's Ark, mandated by God, was 300 cubits long
The number 300 in the Hebrew alphabet is represented by its 21st letter called Shin. In the Greek alphabet it is represented by the letter Tau.
300 - Sheen / Bet - Repenthttps://youtu.be/SYFs4zxF2U0
this fragrant oil could have been sold for above 300 denarii

Iran / Persia (not Arab)
The Lion and Sun motif is one of the better known emblems of Kingdom of Persia, and between 157 and 1979 was an element in the flag of Iran.[8]
The motif, which combines "ancient Iranian, Arab, Turkish, and Mongol traditions", became a popular symbol in Iran in the 12th century.[9] The lion and sun symbol is based largely on astronomical and astrological configurations; the ancient zodiacal sign of the sun in the house of Leo ...
The first version of the modern Iranian tricolour was adopted in the wake of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906.[12] The Supplementary Fundamental Laws of 7 October 1907. 
State flag of Iran (1907–1979)

Coat of Arms of Tunisia - history, meaning, and evolution of the emblem of the Republic of Tunisia
Coat of Arms image with lion @ 1:39: https://youtu.be/ZsEL0KVH-Ys - https://youtu.be/vyyT3zBFCDg
Khaled Mashal - After the founding of Hamas in 1987, Mashal became the leader of the Kuwaiti branch of the organization. 
Aug 1 - The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran has deprived Hamas of one of its most astute political strategists, but analysts have identified three main contenders for his replacement. The decision will likely impact Hamas's future identity and evolution, between becoming a guerilla group or accepting difficult political compromises.

This Psalm 83 / Arab nations prophecy 

Psalm 83 @ 19:17 - https://youtu.be/Xity60In5-4

Strategic Partnership between United Nations, Arab League Vital for Transformation of Region, Senior Official Tells Security Council
United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, commended the robust relationship between the Organization and the League of Arab States (LAS).

Founded in March 1945, the League of Arab States (or Arab League) is a loose confederation of 22 Arab nations.
According to its charter, the founding members [7] of the Arab League—Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan, and Yemen—agreed to seek “close cooperation.” 
Arab Charter on Human Rights [PDF] 

League of Arab States (LAS) and the EU
Dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and the League of Arab States (LAS) builds on mutual interest for prosperity and security and is an integral part of the Euro-Arab relations. Regular high-level dialogues aim to discuss joint responses to common global and regional challenges, preventing and counteracting crises in order to build peace in the region.

Arab Peace Initiative

Iran and Turkey are not Arab countries and their primary languages are Farsi and Turkish respectively. Arab countries have a rich diversity of ethnic, linguistic, and religious communities. These include Kurds, Armenians, Berbers and others. There are over 300 million Arabs.
Iranian people do not speak Arabic, but rather Persian or “Farsi.” While there is diversity in Iran, the majority of the Iranian people are culturally, ethnically, and religiously unique from their surrounding neighbors.
Given its location in the Middle East, Muslim majority, and language which resembles Arabic, Iran is often mislabeled as an Arab nation. A cognate of “aryan,” Iran means “land of the Aryans” and is excluded from the list of Arab League nations in the Middle East/North Africa region.
an Arab as “one whose native language is Arabic”. The reference book says the term historically included the “nomadic Semitic inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula” and in modern usage encompasses the Arabic-speaking people stretching from Mauritania to southwestern Iran. With the exception of various minority ethnic groups in Iran (one of which is Arab), Iranians are Persian. Persian history largely begins with King Cyrus the Great, who is credited with the liberation of Babylon in 528 BC, and the oldest known charter of human rights, referred to as the Cyrus Cylinder, which is housed in London’s British Museum. Persian and Arab histories only merge in the 7th century with the Islamic conquest of Persia.

Aug 4, 2020 - Bride Blown by Beirut Blasts While Taking Wedding Photos, Video Goes Viral. Tuesday bride flees with groom -
August 4/5, 2020 - 15th of Av = Tu B'Av – 

Aug 4, 2024 - Residents of central Israel report GPS disruptions amid fears of Iran strike 
Aug 4/5, 2024 - Rosh ChodeshFirst Crescent Moon

Aug 5, 2015 - Goddess Kali took over New York's Empire State Building as part of an artwork exhibition called Projecting Change
2024 - **“Kali is the Hindu goddess (or Devi) of death, time, and doomsday and is often associated with sexuality and violence but is also considered a strong mother-figure and symbolic of motherly love.

Aug 5 - Markets give off 'Black Monday' vibes as stocks tank
Japan's benchmark Nikkei average closed down 12.40% at 31,458.42 on Aug. 5, the biggest single-day rout since the 1987 Black Monday sell-offs. 
Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 index soars more than 10% after plunging a day earlier
The Nikkei is now up 7.7% from a year ago, but more than 9% below its level three months ago. Its biggest ever percentage gain was 14.2% in October 2008. 
There is no lone trigger for these moves, but data on Friday that showed the U.S. economy did not generate as many jobs as expected in July has been a major catalyst. A rise in Japanese interest rates on July 31 has made bets on a cheap yen. 
Japanese stocks rebound from worst crash since 1987 while global markets are mixed

July 2024 - Rare images of members of the world’s largest uncontacted tribe show them emerging from the Peruvian Amazon – just miles from where companies are controversially logging pristine rainforest. The photos and videos show around 50 men, women and children from the Mashco Piro tribe on a sandy bank of the remote Las Piedras river in the jungle region of Madre de Dios, near the border with Brazil.

Aug 6 - A service will be held on Aug. 6 to remember Jason and Kelly Nelon Clark and Nathan and Amber Nelon Kistler who died in a plane crash on Friday, July 26, 2024. The service will take place at Roopville Road Baptist Church in Georgia on Aug. 6, 2024, at 1 p.m.

Aug 6 - A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck near Bakersfield Tuesday evening sending out shockwaves felt across Southern California.
The quake, which struck at a depth of around 6 miles just after 9 p.m., was approximately 7.6 miles west northwest of Mettler in Kern County, nearly 19 miles south of Bakersfield and 89 miles north of downtown Los Angeles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck near Bakersfield Tuesday evening sending out shockwaves felt across Southern California.
Southern California | SOCAL | Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Aug 8 - Japan issues first 'megaquake' warning after 7.1-magnitude temblor
Thursday morning's earthquake occurred off the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture at 4:42 p.m. local time (3:42 a.m. ET), at a depth of about 18 miles, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.
A powerful quake hits off Japan’s coast, causing minor injuries but prompting new concerns

8.6 / 8.9 - 79th Anniversary of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
 Monday, August 6, 1945, at 8:15 a.m. (Hiroshima time)
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park 
On September 17, 1945, Hiroshima was struck by the Makurazaki Typhoon (Typhoon Ida).

OUTTATIME 911 - AUGUST 8-9, 2024 (image) - https://youtu.be/LShxO1WAgAg
Aug 5 TIME cover

Aug 10 - 'Harbinger of doom' fish surfaced off California coast days before earthquake struck. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography shows a team of researchers and science-minded snorkelers working together to recover a dead oarfish from La Jolla Cove, Calif.,

Aug 11 - The 33rd Olympics of the modern era will finish
Paris Olympics to close with Tom Cruise stunt to hand off 2028 games to Los Angeles
As L.A. gears up to host the 2028 games in just 4 years, you can find photos of the future venues here or take a look back at the 1984 games here!
July 14, 2028 - https://la28.org/en.html 
Winged Victory has been exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris, at the top of the main staircase, since 1884.[3] Greece is seeking the return of the sculpture.

Aug 12 - M 5.0 earthquake -  Cyprus, Türkiye, Lebanon, and Syria
2 miles from Zaghreen, Syria · Aug 12, 1:56 PM
M 5.0 - 13 km NNW of As Salamīyah, Syria
2024-08-12 20:56:00 (UTC)35.127°N 37.015°E10.0 km depth
Earthquake centered in Syria shakes already-jittery northern Israel and Lebanon
Tremor measured between 4.8 and 5.5
Earthquake in Syria & Lebanon: Damascus and Beirut Jolted by Severe Earthquake, 25 Injured in Hama - 

Tisha B`Av/9th of Av

Crew Offshore: What It Takes to Clean the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Aug 13 - Wally Amos, Who Opened Hollywood’s Famous Amos Cookie Shop in 1975, Dies at Age 88 in Hawaii
A pioneer in mass-produced cookie operations, Wally Amos started his empire from a small shop on Sunset Boulevard

Aug 15 - WHO announces highest level of alert for mpox

Aug 16 - Prince Harry and Meghan arrive in Colombia - 4-Day Visit
Márquez, a human rights activist and Colombia’s first Black vice president, said she will show the prince and the duchess the cultural richness of the country and the work Colombia’s government is doing to fight inequality in a country where 33% of the population lives in poverty.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended a folkloric dance show with Vice President Francia Márquez on Thursday during the first day of their visit to Colombia. The performing dancers are part of the Blacks and Whites Carnival of Pasto, an annual festival that tells the story of Colombia’s history, indigenous traditions, slavery, and independence
  IMAGES: Dancers at a Colombian cultural showcase in Bogotá on August 15, 2024. Centro Nacional de las Artes Delia Zapata Olivella, described as the “beating heart of the art of Colombia” where they attended an event highlighting the artistry of Bogotá. After meeting the center’s director, Xiomara Suescún, and Minister of Culture Juan David Correa, they saw a theater performance and a folklore performance with music and dancers. Though Harry remained on the sidelines, Meghan and the vice president both got involved with the dancing near the end of the show.

Aug 16/17 - Shabbat Nachamu (lit. “Sabbath of Consolation”) is the Shabbat following the fast of Tisha B’Av, so named because of the passage read for the haftarah: Nachamu, nachamu ami — “Comfort, comfort my people.”1 After the Three Weeks of darkness and destruction, G‑d consoles the Jewish People through the words of His prophet Isaiah. This haftarah is the first of the series of readings known as shiva d’nechemta, “the seven of consolation,” read over the seven weeks between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashanah.

Full Moon (see Celestial Signs above)

The 15th of Av: Love and Rebirth - The Jewish mini-holiday of Tu B’Av
Tu B'Av -Celebrating the Love of the Father- AV 15 5782

Aug 15 - 90-foot statue of Hindu demon Hanuman erected near Houston, Texas
It is now the third tallest statue in America
Aug 19 - Inauguration Ceremony - Ashtalakshmi Temple, 10098 Synott Rd, Sugarland, TX 77498
** Sugar Land Bible Church - Pastor Andy Woods - 401 Matlage Way, Sugar Land, TX
The Statue of Union is set to replace the Our Lady of the Rockies statue as the third tallest in the US, which stands at 88.6 feet.
Aug 18 - Controversy swirls at 42nd annual India Day Parade in NYC

Aug 17 - Somerset House fire (west wing) - London, River Thames
Large fire at Somerset House but 'artwork safe'
The 1776 landmark building, over the River Thames and nearby Waterloo Bridge
Originally belonging to the Duke of Somerset in 1547
Art exhibits, King's College, business offices
Somerset House is on the Strand in central London and is currently used as an arts venue. The Georgian era buildings and square were built on the site of a palace dating back to the Tudors. Vincent Van Gogh's Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear is listed as a part of the Courtauld collection.
Creepy "art" exhibits - counter culture - https://www.somersethouse.org.uk
Somerset House presents the first exhibition on international fashion powerhouse Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY, which celebrates 10 years of club to catwalk in 2024. - satanic fashion! "Infectiously joyful...looking back on a decade of tartan, trash, animalism, anarchy, paganism and punk" -The Guardian
Screaming Suns flag - 
Aug 24 - Vogue Ball at Somerset House

Aug 21 - 7th Anniversary of America’s Eclipse Across 7 Salems

Aug 23 - New Jersey reported three earthquakes within just three days, sparking concerns about what could have caused the spate of quakes. The 1.0 to 1.4-magnitude tremors are believed to be an aftershock from a larger earthquake that hit around 10:23 a.m. EST on August 16. All three earthquakes have stemmed from the town of Califon in northern New Jersey, which unleashed the 4.8 magnitude quake last week. The event was the strongest one to hit the East Coast since 2011 and was reported as the most powerful epicenter to strike the area since 1884.

Aug 23 - Day 322 of Israel/Hamas War
Day 911 of Ukraine/Russia War

Aug 23 - "Dance With Noa" party - 🇮🇱 Noa Argamani, the Israeli girl who a few days ago revealed that no one from Hamas touched her while she was being held hostage, but that she was almost killed by the Israeli army in a bombing, is now having fun in a bikini with her father.  
What is most unfortunate is that her fiance is still being held hostage by Netanyahu, who refuses to negotiate for their release. Another thing is that her mother died just two months ago.  
And finally, because of her release, the US and Israeli special forces killed 200 civilians, including a huge number of children.  

Matthew 24:37 - As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking,

Aug 27 - Israel: Never Before Seen Ancient Roman Tombs to Be Shown to Public for the First Time
One of the tombs was first discovered in the 1930s, only to be reburied and excavated again in the 1990. Having undergone extensive restoration, the city of Ashkelon will create a special archaeology park to display the two tombs
A worker touches up an ancient wall drawing of Greek goddess Demeter at an archaeological tomb site in Ashkelon, Israel, on Tuesday August 27, 2024
The tomb also includes an illustration of Medusa, the terrible female creature with snakes for hair whose gaze turned people to stone. In Greek mythology, Medusa was a fearsome foe slain by the hero Perseus, who used her head as a weapon before giving it to the war goddess Athena, who affixed it to her shield.
Ashkelon, around 10 kilometers (6 miles) north of the Gaza Strip, has a rich history of archaeology. In addition to the Romans, the city was also home to Philistines during the early Iron Age, around 3,000 years ago.
Both will be open to the public inside the new park during the upcoming Sukkot holiday in October.

Aug 28 - Spain: Oldest Wine in History Discovered in Ancient Roman Tomb
The oldest wine ever discovered, originating from Andalusia, is a white wine over 2,000 years old.
A 2019 excavation in Carmona revealed the oldest wine ever discovered, preserved in a man’s tomb for 2,000 years, highlighting significant aspects of Roman funerary rituals and societal gender norms.

Aug 29 - M 6.1 - 60 km SSW of La Libertad, El Salvador
2024-08-28 21:57:56 (UTC)12.998°N 89.562°W33.9 km depth

Aug 29 - An ancient black stone seal from the First Temple period bearing a name in paleo-Hebrew and an image of a Mesopotamian-style winged figure has been found in Jerusalem near the Western Wall, the Israel Antiquities Authority revealed on Thursday. The seal, which doubled in function as an amulet, is the only provenanced evidence ever found anywhere from Syria to Egypt for imagery of Mesopotamian winged genies, the archaeologists say.
Any seal from that time – about 2,700 years ago – is extremely rare, say Dr. Yuval Baruch and Navot Rom, the archaeologists directing the excavation on behalf of the IAA near the southern wall of the Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and who actually found the seal. The quality of its craftsmanship is equally rare – in part.

July 17 - 1,800-year-old ring engraved with goddess Athena found by Israeli boy
The boy, Yair Weitzen from Haifa, discovered a rare bronze ring during a hiking trip. The ring was handed over to the state treasury and will be publicly displayed as part of the summer tours. Yair Weitson, a 13-year-old resident of Haifa, went hiking near his home with his father, who had returned from four months of reserve duty. During the trip, near an ancient quarry site at the foot of Mount Carmel, he suddenly stumbled upon a curious object.

Bad news for gourmets: Italian olive oil production suffers from extreme heat and drought
Aug 29 - 'No rain for two years': Northern Greece faces significant water crisis as drought persists

Aug 29 - VOLOS, Greece -- More than 100 tons of dead fish were collected in and around the port of Volos in central Greece after a mass die-off linked to extreme weather fluctuations, authorities said Thursday.
The dead freshwater fish filled the bay 320 kilometers (200 miles) north of Athens, and nearby rivers. Water levels were swollen by floods in 2023, followed by months of severe drought.
The die-off has hit local businesses along the seafront, reducing commercial activity by 80% in the past three days, according to Volos’ Chamber of Commerce.

Aug 30 - “Think big”, says @vonderleyen
 at #GLOBSEC2024 here in Prague 🇨🇿. To that, I would add: think team. 
We need to act as a united 🇪🇺 team to master critical technologies (we’re behind), become #aDigitalPowerhouse, and ensure our security in a volatile global environment.

Aug 30 - 100 days to go until the famed Notre Dame cathedral in Paris reopens to the public after five years of painstaking restoration work following 2019’s fire.
The reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is announced for the 8th December 2024.

August Events – ongoing and past:
Then David said to Ornan, “Grant me the site of this threshing floor, that I may build an altar to the LORD. Sell it to me for the full price, so that the plague upon the people may be halted.”  - 1 Chronicles 21:22 

You will learn how these gemstones and jewels in Revelation 21 and Exodus 28 
prove that it's impossible that man could have written the Bible. 
Only God could know this!
