Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 2024 Events

 Lift up your heads, O gates! 
Be lifted up, O ancient doors, 
that the King of Glory may enter! 
Psalm 24:9

When they saw the star, ⭐️
         🌟  (astér ~ Greek: ἀστήρ)
they rejoiced with great delight. ✨
Matthew 2:9-10

God’s creation and word are interconnected! 
Reflecting on the beauty and growing in understanding. 
astér: a star – Greek: ἀστήρ

Celestial Signs - Genesis 1:14, Psalm 19

Biblical Calendar – Starts in the spring

There is also a Civil calendar that begins with Rosh Hashanah in the fall.
Month – Religious/Civil on Hebrew calendar / Corresponding Gregorian months




Processing grapes, figs and olives

7 / 1

Tishri* (Ethanim)


Early rains begin; plowing

6th Month – Elul – Processing grapes, figs and olives

 Elul is called “the month of repentance,” “the month of mercy”
and “the month of forgiveness.”
Elul brings the daily blowing of the shofar
Repentance (Hebrew: תשובה, literally, "return," pronounced "tshuva" or "teshuva")
 is one element of atoning for sin.
7th Month – Ethanim / Tishri:  (1st Month of Civil Year) – Early rains begin; plowing
       begins after the sighting of the new moon in Jerusalem
http://torahcalendar.com (aligned with new moon and agriculture)
Historical events by Hebrew date:
  Torah tots: http://www.torahtots.com/timecapsule/thismonth.htm

https://www.chabad.org/calendar (Rabbinical / observed in Israel)
https://torahcalendar.com (Did not add a leap month this year) 
Timeline – http://www.informedchristians.com 

Month 6 - Elul - Rabbinical Calendar
Month 7 - Torah Calendar
Yom Teruah Day of Trumpets Rosh Hashanah The Civil New Year
Today is the birth day of the Messiah according to a sign in Revelation 12:1-2. It has traditionally been held that Yom Teruah in Year 6000 will herald the coming of the Messiah. Today begins 10 days of awe when we make wrongs right before Yom Kippur.

teshubah: a return, answer - Hebrew: תְּשׁוּבָה

Teshuvah 5784/5949/2024
Elul is the last month of the civic calendar in Judaism. Elul is the sixth month of the religious calendar.
Elul 1 marks the beginning of Teshuvah, a 40 day period that runs through the holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Teshuvah is the Hebrew word for repent.
On our western Gregorian calendar in the year 2024, this would be at sunset September 3rd as calculated by 21st century time keeping.

Intro Elul 2024 We Are His Witnesses and He is Ours

Sept 1 - A #polio vaccination campaign in #Gaza is planned to begin on 1 September. We welcome the commitment to humanitarian pauses in specific areas, and suspension of evacuation orders for the implementation of the campaign. But the only lasting medicine is peace. The only way to fully protect all the children of Gaza is a ceasefire.

Sept 3 - Rome’s ancient Arch of Constantine damaged by lightning
Rome’s ancient Arch of Constantine was hit by lightning during a heavy storm, causing some fragments to fall off. The arch, built in 315 to celebrate the victory of Emperor Constantine in the battle of Ponte Milvio, was already undergoing maintenance work, which had begun on Monday. Standing about 25 metres high, it is the largest of the three triumphal arches still preserved in Rome. It is located along the route followed by triumphal processions, near the Colosseum.
After a hot, dry summer, the centre of Rome was hit on Tuesday afternoon by a sudden storm, bringing heavy rain, high winds, thunder and lightning. More than 80 millimetres (3.1 inches) of rain per square metre fell on the historic centre — about the same amount that falls on average in a month in autumn, the municipality said. The “downburst” caused floods and winds of up to 90 kilometres per hour (56mph) that brought down trees

Sept 4-5 (Torah Calendar) - Yom Teruah Day of Trumpets Rosh Hashanah The Civil New Year - Today is the birth day of the Messiah according to a sign in Revelation 12:1-2. It has traditionally been held that Yom Teruah in Year 6000 will herald the coming of the Messiah. Today begins 10 days of awe when we make wrongs right before Yom Kippur.

Sept 10 - United Nations Opening of the 79th session: 10 September 2024 | A/INF/79/1
Sept 21 - UN International Day of Peace 2024
Gala Celebration – 21 September 2024

Sept 13 / Tishri - 7th month 10th day on Torah Calendar - Day of Atonement

Sep 17–18, 2024 - Partial Lunar Eclipse
Visible in Europe, Much of Asia (including Israel), Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
Oct 2, 2024 - Annular Solar Eclipse
Visible in South in North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say,
“Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come,
and the one who desires the water of life drink freely.

Revelation 22:17

Sept 23, 2017 - 7 years since Revelation 12 Sign
Aug 21 - 7th Anniversary of America’s Eclipse Across 7 Salems

Sept 25-26 (Torah Calendar) - Today is Shemini Atzeret or the "Eighth Day Solemn Assembly." Shemini Atzeret is a Sabbath day separate and distinct from Sukkot. It is an appointed time the day after Sukkot on which Israel assembles. One tradition says Jacob married Rachel on this day.
Oct 7, 2023 was on Shemini Atzeret

Past and Ongoing September events:

Oct 2, 2024 - Annular Solar Eclipse
Visible in South in North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica.
