Replica of Palmyra’s Triumphal Arch - Dec. 12/16, 2019 - Feb. 29, 2020
Abbey, Luxembourg
In collaboration with UNESCO and
Luxembourg’s Neimënster Abbey, the IDA will unveil its reconstruction of
Palmyra’s Triumphal Arch in the Abbey’s historic cloister on 16 December to
celebrate Luxembourg’s quarter-century of UNESCO membership. Please join
more about the project on the Neimënster
Abbey’s website, from the government of
Luxembourg, and Events in Luxembourg.
La réplique de
l'Arche de Palmyre
25 years of ´
luxembourg, ancient quartiers and fortifications´ World Cutural Heritage
FR: Made
from a 3D printing technology, the replica of the Arch of Palmyra at scale 2/3
will rise on the forecourt of the Abbey. The Roman triumphal arch destroyed by
Daesh in the heart of the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria was made by the
Institute of Digital Archaelogy. Exhibited in London, Florence, Washington and
Bern, it demonstrates how digital can help preserve or at least preserve the
legacy of a past too often undermined by men. This gesture must signify that
the heritage of outstanding universal value concerns the entire planet, and
that a UNESCO site is part of a network of values in common.
Thanks to a wonderful crew in #Luxembourg,
Palmyra's Triumphal Arch is rising at historic Neimenster Abbey
- 5:35 AM · Dec 12, 2019 -
12, 2019 – Boris Johnson elected PM SAME DAY as Luxembourg Arch set up!
April 19, 2016 - Then-Mayor Boris Johnson presided over the Palmyra Arch display at Trafalgar Square, London during Passover.
Article highlighting the September 2018 D.C. Capital Mall display!
A replica of the Arch of Palmyra in Luxembourg
December 11, 2019 - LUXEMBOURG - Four years after Daesh destroyed archaeological treasures in Palmyra, Syria, a replica will take place for several weeks in the capital.
PRESENTATION | Welcome to neimënster
Historical significance to this date:
December 16, 1944 - The
Battle of the Bulge 75 years later
- Locations: The Ardennes: Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany
Seventh Army pushed towards Luxembourg
The Germans achieved a
total surprise attack on the morning
of 16 December 1944, due to a combination of Allied overconfidence,
preoccupation with Allied offensive plans, and poor aerial reconnaissance due to bad weather. The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes
Counteroffensive, was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front
during World War II, and took place from 16 December
1944 to 25 January 1945.
After the middle of the 14th
century, Emperor Charles IV attempted to secure Brandenburg for the House of Luxembourg. The
Margraviate of
Brandenburg was a major principality of the Holy Roman Empire.
Reproduction de
l’Arche de Palmyre / Replica of the Arch of Palmyra
16.12.2019 -
This reproduction of the Arch of Palmyra represents the
fragility of humanity. The replica of the caravan city’s monumental edifice
symbolizes the triumph of cooperation over conflict, of hope over despair and
the ingenuity of mankind when faced with pointless destruction. [image of DC
Arch display / US Capitol]
neimënster as a centre for cultural exchange and meetings
organizes activities that are based on the idea of "a dialogue of
cultures, culture of dialogue".
Neumünster Abbey Cultural Center (neimënster) inaugurated in May 2004 after ten
years of work, is located in the heart of the old districts, on a UNESCO World
Heritage Route. Boasting spectacular scenery, this architectural ensemble,
which has experienced four centuries of turbulent history, is today devoted to
cultural projects and is at the same time a wonderful place for major events.
On its 12,000 m 2 , they are almost 700 to be held each year in this place open
to everyone who wants meeting space for "dialogue of cultures and the
culture of dialogue."
The three
buildings constituting the Center have been baptized in a very significant way.
They are part of this perspective of respect for a past full of meaning. Lucien
Wercollier gives his name to the cloister of the abbey, Robert Bruch to the
criminal building and Robert Krieps to the workshop then became Tutesall.
"25 Years
Lëtzebuerg World Heritage"
The December 17, 2019 will be launched the celebrations of
the 25th anniversary of the inscription of Luxembourg, old quarters and
fortifications in the UNESCO World Heritage Register. The festivities will
stretch until December 17, 2020.
The Minister of Culture, Sam Tanson, attended on November 13, 2019, the 40th General Conference of UNESCO in Paris.
The General Conference brings together representatives of 193 Member States
every two years and determines the general orientation, program and budget of
the UN organization for the next two years. … The General Conference will continue its work until November 27, 2019
by addressing the major programs of education, natural sciences, social and
humanities, culture and communication and information. (Excerpt)
(full article)
Neimënster -
The replica of the Arch of Palmyra | Luxembourg
› Discover › Events › Art / Exhibition / Museum
[Nov 8] 6
days ago - Fr: Made from a 3D printing technology, the replica of the Arch of
Palmyra at scale 2/3 will rise on the forecourt of the Abbey. The Roman ...
Mon, Dec 16 The replica of the Arch of Palmyra
6:51 AM ·
Dec 17, 2019 - Thanks to UNESCO, the government of #Luxembourg and
@neimenster Abbey for a fabulous unveiling and celebration
of art and culture yesterday!
The Palmyra arch visible in Luxembourg
Updated on 12/17/19 8:18 AM | Posted on 12/16/19 4:48 PM
Before Luxembourg, the ark has already been exhibited in
London, Florence, Washington and Berne.
(Photo Julien Garroy)
As unexpected as it may seem, Luxembourg and Palmyra have
one major point in common: they are both listed as World Heritage by Unesco. It
is not surprising then that the City begins the festivities on Monday around
the “25 years Lëtzebuerg world heritage” with a tribute to the ancient city of
Syria martyred by Daesh.
Monday, the Minister of Culture, Sam Tanson, the mayor of
the City of Luxembourg, Lydie Polfer, and the president of the Luxembourg
Commission for cooperation with UNESCO, Simone Beck, presented the program of
festivities around the “25 ans Lëtzebuerg World Heritage ”(program to find here )
On this occasion, they unveiled, in the presence of
Françoise Poos, president of Neimënster and Roger Michel, director of the
Oxford Institute for Digital Archeology (IDA), a 3D replica of the Palmyra arch
destroyed in 2015 by the Daesh terrorist organization.
The reproduction of the Roman triumphal arch was produced by
IDA and has already been exhibited in London, Florence, Washington and Bern.
This achievement demonstrates how digital can help preserve the past.
Visible from the Corniche, it is placed in a straight line
with the plaque recalling the inscription of Luxembourg in the World Heritage
Register. "The destruction of cultural property in wars is often
deliberate, as if to erase the memory of a people - digital archeology has made
the Ark of Palmyra an ambassador of peace on tour around the world," said
Simone Beck.
The installation is visible in the courtyard of Neimënster
until February 29, 2020
Old Quarter and Fortifications: City of Luxembourg - UNESCO
World Heritage Site
free event in #Luxembourg! Discussions with the incredible @ holland_tom (Feb
25) and @JohnSimpsonNews (Feb…
join us in Luxembourg Feb 25-26th, with @ holland_tom and other wonderful
speakers! - - (This text does not
exist in English)
à partir d’une technologie d’impression 3D, la réplique de l’Arche de Palmyre à
l’échelle 2/3 va s’élever sur le parvis de l’Abbaye. L’arc de triomphe romain
détruit par Daech au coeur de la cité antique de Palmyre en Syrie a été réalisé
par l’Institute of Digital Archaelogy. Exposé à Londres, Florence, Washington
et Berne, il démontre comment le numérique peut aider à préserver ou tout au
moins à conserver l’héritage d’un passé trop souvent mis à mal par les hommes.
Ce geste doit signifier que le patrimoine à valeur universelle exceptionnelle
concerne toute la planète, et qu’un site classé UNESCO s’inscrit dans un réseau
de valeurs en commun.
découvrir en extérieur sur le parvis.
Institute for Digital Archaeology, Unesco, Ministère de la Culture / Soutien:
Apr 19, 2016 – Palmyra Arch
display at Trafalgar Square, London
days / 177 years / 2124 months
23 November 1890 - End
of personal union with the Kingdom of the Netherlands
The following states, institutions and individuals have
decided to come together to fund this initiative. France, United Arab Emirates,
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Morocco, Luxembourg and China have provided financial
support. ALIPH also benefits from the support of Switzerland and received
contributions from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and philanthropists Dr.
Thomas S. Kaplan and Mr. Jean-Claude Gandur. Of the USD 77.5 million in
pledges, USD 60 million have already been paid out.
Aliph – the International Alliance for the Protection of
Heritage in Conflict Areas
June 16, 2019 07:22 PM -
UNESCO and ALIPH formalize partnership on the protection of
cultural heritage in conflict areas
11 October 2019 -
City tourism in Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
- Ville de Luxembourg tourisme vidéo
Luxembourg City, the capital of the eponymous tiny European
nation wedged between Belgium, France and Germany, is famed for its fortified medieval old town perched atop
high cliffs. The extensive network of tunnels, Bock Casemates, leads to a
dungeon, prison and the Archaeological Crypt, which is said to be the
birthplace of Luxembourg.
Neumünster Abbey on Map -
The old city
and fortifications of Luxembourg
Palmyra Arch replica displayed in:
• London – Trafalgar Square – April 19-21, 2016
• Manhattan/NYC – City Hall Park – September
19-23, 2016
• Dubai - unveiled at the World Government
Summit at Madinat Jumeirah - February 12-14, 2017
• Florence, Italy - Palazzo della Signoria -
March 27-April 27, 2017
Palazzo Vecchio during the G7 Cultural Summit
• Arona, Italy - Museum of Archaeology – April
29-July 30, 2017
• Washington District of Columbia (D.C) – National
Mall – Sept. 26-28, 2018
• Geneva, Switzerland - Palace of Nations,
UNCOG - April 12-27, 2019
• Bern, Switzerland – 70th UNESCO - June
12-24, 2019
• Luxembourg – 25th UNESCO - Dec (12)
16, 2019 – Feb 29, 2020
Historical information and prior events
surround the Palmyra Triumphal Arch:
Arch of Triumph of
Palmyra, Syria – Tammy’s Blogs
Part 1 – April 2016
– Sept 30, 2017 – London, Manhattan, Dubai, Florence, Arona
Part 2 – Timeline
review – Palmyra, Carrara, Italy, Marble, Florence, Arona, Insights
Part 3 – Sept. 2018 – D.C., Columbus, Illinois
and Roman Emperor Septimius Severus
Part 4 - Oct.-Nov., 2018 – The Hague, The
Netherlands, International Court, Syrian Heritage
5 – Dec.1, 2018 – London's Victoria & Albert Museum Cast Court Exhibit
6 – April 2019 – Palace of Nations, UNCOG Geneva
7 – June 2019 – 70th anniversary
- Bern, Switzerland
Part 8 – Dec (12) 16, 2019 – Feb
29, 2020 - 25th anniversary of UNESCO, Luxembourg
Palmyra, Syria Historical Connections
The National Museum of Damascus is further adorned by 2nd-century murals, elaborate tombs, and the recently restored Lion of al-Lat, which originally stood guard at the National Museum of Palmyra but was whisked away to Damascus for safeguarding
London, Trafalgar Square
Another related artwork from Syria:
March 28, 2018 - The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist at Fourth Plinth
at Trafalgar Square, London
at Trafalgar Square, London
This winged bull and protective deity guarded the entrance to Nergal Gate of Nineveh.
The Lamassu will be there until March 2020.
What's Coming Next: Fourth Plinth 2020
'THE END is the cherry on the cream. And, on top of the cherry and the cream, the parasites.' - March 2020 updates
(Site of April 19, 2016 Palmyra Arch display at Passover)
July 30, 2020 - The dystopian artwork by British artist Heather Phillipson, titled ”THE END” was unveiled Thursday on Trafalgar Square’s Fourth Plinth in London after being postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the 13th Fourth Plinth commission since the programme began in 1998, it is also the tallest to date, measuring 9.4m and weighing 9 tonnes, and follows on from The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist (recreation of a protective deity destroyed by Islamic State in Iraq) by Michael Rakowitz. Both artists were selected in 2017. "Beauty will save the world — and ugliness will ruin it."
The End will stay in place until spring 2022. [August 2022 it is still there.]
Live stream from the drone on Fourth Plinth:
and VOLTA: Phillipson’s new audio-collage VOLTA reckons with upheaval, renewal and possibility and combines her distinctive layering of voice, sound effects and music samples ("... leading to rapture if we are lucky ... a new kind of history .. the way out is calling ...").
Greater London Authority (GLA) -
Sunday, 9 August - Five Extinction Rebellion (XR) protesters have been arrested after pouring fake blood over the steps of Trafalgar Square in protest against the deaths of indigenous people in Brazil. Marking International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the activists could be seen lying ‘dead’ on the ground while others held up banners that read ‘genocide [equals] ecocide’ and ‘indigenous emergency’. The group, which also included protesters from HS2 Rebellion, the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) and the Internationalist Solidarity Network, also turned the water in the fountains red and luminous green for the demonstration.
The protest comes just days after Animal Rebellion, a sister group of XR, turned the water in the Trafalgar Square fountains red to represent the ‘blood on the government’s hands’.
July 11 / 7-11 - Vegan activists turn Trafalgar Square fountains blood red
July 11 / 7-11 - Vegan activists turn Trafalgar Square fountains blood red
‘London’s smallest police station’ you probably never noticed in Trafalgar Square
Palmyra Arch replica displayed in London – Trafalgar Square – April 19-21, 2016
Lit up red on Passover - April 19, 2016
Part 1 – April 2016 – Sept 30, 2017 – London, Manhattan, Dubai, Florence, Arona
223 weeks and 2 days / 1563 days from April 19, 2016 to July 30, 2020 (The End unveiling)
1544 days from April 19, 2016 to July 11, 2020 (7-11 - fountain turned red)
1573 days from April 19, 2016 to Aug 9, 2020 (steps turned red)
Aug 29, 2020 - “Unite for Freedom” Protest @ Trafalgar Square
There is a planned anti-lockdown, anti-mask, anti-contact-tracing – essentially anti all the “emergency” measures the government has taken – on 29th of August, in Trafalgar Square.
There is a planned anti-lockdown, anti-mask, anti-contact-tracing – essentially anti all the “emergency” measures the government has taken – on 29th of August, in Trafalgar Square.
8-1-22 Trafalgar Square Lionesses Celebration near 4th Plinth THE END
(whipped cream with cherry on top) located by fountain
Aug 1, 2022 - Trafalgar Square celebration - The Lionesses took to the stage
as Leah Williamson spoke to the 7,000 adoring fans
July 31, 2022 - Moon at hind foot of Leo the lion
Aug 1 - Moon at head of Virgo
July 31 - Prince William and Princess Charlotte have joined a host of famous faces wishing the Lionesses good luck ahead of their Euro 2022 final against Germany.
The Lionesses beat Germany 2-1 to be crowned European champions on Sunday night at Wembley Stadium. The first win since 1966 (56 years ago).
Aug 1 - Trafalgar Square celebration - The Lionesses took to the stage as Leah Williamson spoke to the 7,000 adoring fans
For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against
principalities, against powers,
against the
rulers of the darkness of this world,
spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
Beloved, do not
imitate what is evil, but what is good.
The one who does good
is of God;
the one who does evil
has not seen God.
3 John 1:11
Warning: Moloch In Rome - Baal In Luxembourg Simultaneously!!
Two exhibits close March 2020:
September 27, 2019 - March 29, 2020 – Rome Coliseum - “Carthago. The immortal myth”.
The Colosseum, the
Temple of Romulus and the Imperial Ramp at the Roman Forum will all host
extraordinary materials, on loan from national archaeological museums in Italy
and abroad
Dec 12, 2019 – Boris Johnson elected PM SAME DAY as Luxembourg Arch set up!
April 19, 2016 - Then-Mayor Boris Johnson presided over the Palmyra Arch display at Trafalgar Square, London during Passover.
28, 2018 – March 2020 – Lamassu sculpture “The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist” at Fourth Plinth
at Trafalgar
Square, London
winged bull and protective deity guarded the entrance to Nergal Gate of
Coming Next: Fourth Plinth 2020
END is the cherry on the cream. And, on top of the cherry and the cream, the
vs 2 - speech,
vs 3 - voice
vs 4 - their words
vs 6 - circuit unto
the ends of it
Psalm 20 - 2020 - "Day of trouble"
Jan 10 - Luxembourg - Celebrating 25 years of UNESCO heritage (but not much else...)
A replica of the lost arch of Palmyra is a UNESCO PR stunt
A replica of the lost arch of Palmyra is a UNESCO PR stunt
Jan 30 - Luxembourg - Call for royal shake-up over staff exodus, lack of oversight
Many of the findings - particularly in the way staff was handled - focused on the dominant role of Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, who is of Cuban origin and who married the ruling Grand Duke Henri in 1981.
Many of the findings - particularly in the way staff was handled - focused on the dominant role of Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, who is of Cuban origin and who married the ruling Grand Duke Henri in 1981.
Highly-anticipated report criticises lack of clarity on how taxpayer money is spent
In 2020, the royals will receive €10.6 million in public money to exercise their official duties, roughly €18 per inhabitant. The court receives further funds, for example for the upkeep of its residences and its security detail. This results in another €3.6 million in spending on the royal family.
Jan 30 - Interpol eyes Italian mafia with links to Luxembourg
‘Ndrangheta is present in catering and real estate in Luxembourg
Jan 29 - Group says more funds, banks pick Luxembourg as EU hub
Luxembourg law also challenging role of English law underpinning contracts
Luxembourg law also challenging role of English law underpinning contracts
The antiques & Art Fair is open until 3 February (between 11:00-19:00).
Vishnu on Garuda, early 13th century.
Jan 31 - Worker killed after stadium roof collapses in St Petersburg (Palmyra of the North)
Russia's emergency ministry in Saint Petersburg named the worker who fell as 29-year-old M. Kucherov. It said he had been attached to a safety cable, which broke during the incident. He "carried out gas cutting work, in preparation for the planned demolition of the dome of the building," the statement said.
Dramatic footage filmed by local media agency Fotanka showed the moment the entire structure collapsed around him. -
February 2 is the 33rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 332 days remain until the end of the year (333 in leap years).
Leap Day: February 29, 2020. A Leap Day, February 29, is added to the calendar during leap years. This extra day, also called Leap Year Day, makes the year 366 days long – not 365 days, like a common year.
Current location of Palmyra Arch display - Dec. 12/16, 2019 - Feb. 29, 2020 Displayed until LEAP DAY!
25-26 – Luxembourg – "Meeting Antiquity: Finding a Meaning in Our Common
Past". This first round table will be devoted to characterising our
appreciation of cultural markers, including reconstructions and renovations, in
the 21st century.
free event in #Luxembourg! Discussions with the incredible @h olland_tom (Feb
25) and @JohnSimpsonNews (Feb…
join us in Luxembourg Feb 25-26th, with @ holland_tom and other wonderful
speakers! - - (This text does not
exist in English)
à partir d’une technologie d’impression 3D, la réplique de l’Arche de Palmyre à
l’échelle 2/3 va s’élever sur le parvis de l’Abbaye. L’arc de triomphe romain
détruit par Daech au coeur de la cité antique de Palmyre en Syrie a été réalisé
par l’Institute of Digital Archaelogy. Exposé à Londres, Florence, Washington
et Berne, il démontre comment le numérique peut aider à préserver ou tout au
moins à conserver l’héritage d’un passé trop souvent mis à mal par les hommes.
Ce geste doit signifier que le patrimoine à valeur universelle exceptionnelle
concerne toute la planète, et qu’un site classé UNESCO s’inscrit dans un réseau
de valeurs en commun.
découvrir en extérieur sur le parvis.
Institute for Digital Archaeology, Unesco, Ministère de la Culture / Soutien:
Feb. 29, 2020 Display ends on LEAP DAY!