You in Your mercy have led forth
The people whom You have redeemed;
You have guided them in Your strength
To Your holy habitation.
Exodus 15:13
Jesus is coming (David Wilkerson)
Celestial Signs - Genesis 1:14, Psalm 19
vs 2 - speech,
vs 3 - voice
vs 4 - their words
vs 6 - circuit unto
the ends of it
The Circuit of Heaven -
Psalm 20 - 2020 - "Day of
Dec 3/4 – First
Quarter Moon - this first quarter moon counts as the most distant of them all
December nights, you
can find the constellation Auriga the Charioteer
Jupiter near Antares
Antares – Rival of Mars – The Wounding – Scorpion’s Heart
Scorpius – pages 28-30
THE HEAVENS DECLARED (booklet PDF) - 50 pages
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:55-57
Fomalhaut is
almost straight under the Moon at nightfall.
Dec 6 - Orion’s Belt
and the Celestial Bridge / Milky Way
Betelgeuse means “the coming of the Branch.”
Media pointing us to Betelgeuse! Whether true or not - looking up!
DEC 26, 2019 - A giant star is acting strange, and astronomers are buzzing
The red giant Betelgeuse is the dimmest seen in years, prompting some speculation that the star is about to explode.
THE CONSTELLATION ORION is one of the most recognizable patterns in the night sky, visible around the world. But if you’ve looked at Orion recently and thought something seemed off, you’re not wrong: The giant red star Betelgeuse, which marks the hunter’s right shoulder, is the dimmest it’s been in almost a century.
Normally, Betelgeuse is among the 10 brightest stars in the sky. However, the red giant began dimming in October, and by mid-December, the star had faded so much it wasn’t even in the top 20, Villanova University
The red giant Betelgeuse is the dimmest seen in years, prompting some speculation that the star is about to explode.
THE CONSTELLATION ORION is one of the most recognizable patterns in the night sky, visible around the world. But if you’ve looked at Orion recently and thought something seemed off, you’re not wrong: The giant red star Betelgeuse, which marks the hunter’s right shoulder, is the dimmest it’s been in almost a century.
Normally, Betelgeuse is among the 10 brightest stars in the sky. However, the red giant began dimming in October, and by mid-December, the star had faded so much it wasn’t even in the top 20, Villanova University
Social media and news headlines are ablaze with talk of the red giant star Betelgeuse
since astronomers noted that it’s growing fainter than ever before. Yes, the star is nearing the end of its life, and that end will likely be explosive. - Bullinger -
“‘Hear, O Joshua, the high priest,
You and your companions who sit before you,
For they are a wondrous sign;
For behold, I am bringing forth
My Servant the BRANCH.”
Zechariah 3:8
You and your companions who sit before you,
For they are a wondrous sign;
For behold, I am bringing forth
My Servant the BRANCH.”
Zechariah 3:8
““Behold, the days are coming,” says the LORD, “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness;
A King shall reign and prosper,
And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.”
Jeremiah 23:5
A King shall reign and prosper,
And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.”
Jeremiah 23:5
“In that day the Branch of the LORD shall be beautiful and glorious;
And the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and appealing For those of Israel who have escaped.”
Isaiah 4:2
And the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and appealing For those of Israel who have escaped.”
Isaiah 4:2
“There shall come forth a
Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
His delight is in the fear of the LORD ...
Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
His delight is in the fear of the LORD ...
Isaiah 11:1-9
Dec 8 - Jupiter leaving the Milky Way zone,
and also passing the right hand of Ophiuchus.
Dec 10 - Venus-Saturn
pairing -
Dec 11 @ 9:12 PM - PT and Dec 12 @ 12:12 AM - ET
Dec 12 – Mars-Zubenelgenubi
Dec 14 - The
Geminid meteor shower will be active from 4 December to 17 December, producing
its peak rate of meteors around 14 December.
Running to Him video -
Psalm 19
Matthew 24:37-39
Hebrews 10:12-25
Hebrews 12:1-4
Morning Moon and Mars at the Altar / Libra
SkyView Lite app
Jupiter - Sun - Mercury at Milky Way * Mars & Moon at Altar/Libra
Dec 23 - Close approach of the Moon and Mars. pre-dawn - Old Moon Meets Mars - The Moon and Mars will make a close approach, passing within 3°20' of each other. The Moon will be at mag -10.3, and Mars at mag 1.6, both in the constellation Libra. The pair will be too widely separated to fit within the field of view of a telescope but will be visible to the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars. At around the same time, the two objects will also share the same right ascension – called a conjunction.
Saturn, Jupiter, Sun-New Moon,
12-24/25 - During Festival of Lights / Hanukkah
/ Feast of Dedication and Christmas
Star "Nash" meaning "arrowhead" -
25/26 - Annular Solar Eclipse -
in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Asia, India)
Sun / Moon Eclipse with nearby Jupiter @ Milky Way
[כָּסַף] verb long (for) (Arabic be colourless, obscure, be eclipsed (of sun or moon)
Click for larger image. Interesting timing of Full Moon and Eclipse!!
Dec 25/26 - New Moon / Sun Eclipse -
Dec 27 –
Sun & Jupiter - Jupiter
at solar conjunction
Dec 27 -
Moon & Saturn
Dec 27 -
On the Edge - Orion is entering prime
Dec 28 -
Moon & Venus
Dec 29 – El Nath “the butting one” bull horn of
Dec 30 at
6:38 p.m. EST — Algol "Demon Star" at Minimum Brightness
Revelation 7:17
... for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
Dec 30-31 - Moon at Aquarius with Fomalhaut at foot - The Atonement being made, the blessings have been procured, and now they can be bestowed and poured forth upon the Redeemed. (Bullinger)
Nineveh / Jonah / Big Fish / Fomalhaut
But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: Matthew 12:39
Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah.
And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
Jonah 1:17
Dec 31 - Phoenix, the mythical bird that
represents rebirth, stands just above the southeastern horizon at sunset and
drops from view by midnight
Dec 31 - Dog Star Sirius reaches its highest point in the sky around midnight
Want to surprise and impress your friends on New Year’s Eve? Show them Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, sometimes called the Dog Star because it’s part of the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. Sirius might also be called the New Year’s star. It’ll celebrate the birth of 2020 and every new year by reaching its highest point in the sky around the stroke of midnight. That’s the case this year, and every year.
Jan 1, 46
B.C. - calendar created by an
astronomer, Sisogenes, at the order of Julius Caesar.
Jan 10, 2020
Another eclipse on Jan 10!!
Jan 10 - Penumbral
Lunar Eclipse - Visible in Israel!!!!
Joel 2:31-32A: The sun shall be turned into
darkness, and the moon into blood, before the
coming of the great and awesome day of יהוה .
And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on
the name of יהוה shall be saved.
darkness, and the moon into blood, before the
coming of the great and awesome day of יהוה .
And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on
the name of יהוה shall be saved.
He had in
His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword,
His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. Revelation 1:16
Biblical Calendar – Starts in the
There is also a Civil calendar that begins with Rosh Hashanah
in the fall.
Month – Religious/Civil on Hebrew
calendar / Corresponding Gregorian months
9 / 3
November / December
Winter rains begin
(snow in some areas) – Hanukkah / Feast of
Tibeth (Tivet)
Esther 2:16
9th Month
– Kislev – Winter rains begin (snow in some areas) – Hanukkah / Feast of
calendar used in Israel (leap month added in error)
10th Month
– Tebeth – Esther 2:16
begins after the sighting of the new moon in
events by Hebrew date:
view -
July 5- Jan 5 - Culture
Under Attack, Imperial War Museums London
will showcase the Lion of Mosul
replica at its "What Remains" exhibit beginning Friday. The exhibit
explores "why culture and heritage are attacked during war." (see July events for more)
Obama portrait artist
and Yale graduate, Kehinde Wiley, unveils latest work
and 'call to arms' in Times Square. The 30-foot-tall sculpture of
rider on horse resembles the Robert E. Lee statue. It will move to VMFA in Richmond on Dec. 1.
- Wiley
/ Obama / Kanye connections -
Dec 10 – “Rumors of War” – Kehinde Wiley’s Civil War themed statue will be permanently installed at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Sept 27 – Dec 1, 2019 was displayed at Times Square NYC) -
Dec 10 – “Rumors of War” – Kehinde Wiley’s Civil War themed statue will be permanently installed at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Sept 27 – Dec 1, 2019 was displayed at Times Square NYC) -
Sept 27 Events:
Sanhedrin 70 Nations / Coliseum - Temple of Romulus / Rumors of War
Times Square
Dec 1
- #RoyalVisitKuwait – Prince William - The
Duke of Cambridge is undertaking a short official visit to #Kuwait on
behalf of the British Government starting today, before moving onto
#RoyalVisitOman on Tuesday
Dec 1 – Shelley Morrison, actress who played
the maid Rosario on “Will and Grace,” died Sunday at age
Exodus 33:17 And the Lord said unto Moses, I will do this thing also
that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee
by name. Will and Grace search
Dec 3/4 – Leaders celebrate NATO’s
70th anniversary at Buckingham Palace reception
The leaders of NATO are traveling to London this week to commemorate the alliance's 70th birthday — but they will do so at a carefully crafted, ...
Formation: 4 April 1949 / 2019 - NATO marks 70th anniversary with Washington meeting of Foreign Ministers
In August–September
2001, the alliance also mounted Operation Essential
Harvest, a mission
disarming ethnic Albanian militias in the Republic of Macedonia.
The September 11 attacks in the United States caused NATO to invoke
Article 5 of the NATO Charter for the first time in the
organization's history. The Article states that an attack on any member
shall be considered to be an attack on all.
The Council
established by Article 9 of the North Atlantic Treaty held its first session in
Washington on September 17, 1949. Representatives of the
Parties to the Treaty attending this first session were:
Governor of Virginia,
Ralph S. Northam, recognized April 4 2019 as the 70th
anniversary of the establishment of NATO in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In part, that declaration reads, “Norfolk,
Virginia is proud to be NATO’s Home in North America - -
NATO summit celebrates
70th anniversary amid discord and uncertain future -
NATO Secretary
General, North Atlantic Council at Foreign Ministers Meeting, 20 NOV 2019
NATO allies have agreed to establish a new
joint intelligence and security division to better position the U.S.-led
alliance to respond to evolving threats by more effectively sharing information
Sept 27 - Pope
addresses ethical challenges of technological progress with Tech Execs
There were executives
from companies like Facebook, Mozilla, representatives from NATO and
even a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Pope Francis meets in Audience with participants at the meeting on the "Common Good in the Digital Age", promoted by the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
Pope Francis meets in Audience with participants at the meeting on the "Common Good in the Digital Age", promoted by the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. -
27 Sept 1540; 478
years ago - Society of Jesus / Jesuits Founded
Dec 3/4 – First
Quarter Moon - this first quarter moon counts as the most distant of them all
December nights, you
can find the constellation Auriga the Charioteer
Fomalhaut is
almost straight under the Moon at nightfall.
I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Dec 4 - Festival of Septuagint -
3 days before the 78th anniversary ~
3 dead, including gunman, in shooting at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
Dec 4, 2019, 10:56 PM ET -
The sailor served on the USS Columbia, a submarine stationed at Pearl Harbor,
Dec 6 - Unknown Fast Ezra Dies -
Selichot 10 Tevet Ezkerah Mazok, Bahag, Kol Bo
Dec 6 – St. Nicholas Day
Dec 6 - T-Mobile
launch 5G network
Dec 6 - Orion’s Belt
and the Celestial Bridge / Milky Way
3 Stars - The Belt of Orion
Alnilam. Its name means “belt of pearls”
Alnilam. Its name means “belt of pearls”
3 Military Related Deaths / All incidents 3 dead
Dec 4 - 3 dead, including gunman, in shooting at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
Dec 5 - 3 National Guardsmen killed in UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter crash in
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Dec 6 - 3 killed at Pensacola Naval Air Station by Saudi Arabia aviation student
Dec 7, 1941 - Pearl Harbor
Remembrance Day - 78th Anniversary
Dec 7/8 - Fast of the 10th Month - Siege
of Jerusalem -
- 2 Kings 25:1, Jeremiah 52:4, Zechariah 8:19
- 2 Kings 25:1, Jeremiah 52:4, Zechariah 8:19
Dec 8 - Jupiter leaving the Milky Way zone,
and also passing the right hand of Ophiuchus.
Dec 10 – YouTube new
terms of use (more below)
Dec 10 – end of 16
days of UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against
Dec 10 – “Rumors of
War” – Kehinde Wiley’s Civil War themed statue will be permanently installed at
the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Sept 27 – Dec 1, 2019 was displayed at Times
Square NYC) -
Dec 10 - Venus-Saturn
pairing -
Dec 11, 1948 – UN – Jerusalem to be an
international city.
Dec 11, 2019 – Israel
deadline to form coalition government by MIDNIGHT
Dec 12, 2019 - Jewish
prayer has returned to the Temple Mount
Senior Wakf official: Any change
would spark strong response from Arabs and Muslims. Jewish activists: Final
goal is to rebuild the Temple. The group began the typical
counter-clockwise tour of the site accompanied as usual by several police
officers. It began at the Mughrabi Gate and worked its way around the eastern
side of the esplanade, stopping at various points and eventually leaving out of
the Chain Gate on its western side into the Muslim Quarter of
Jerusalem’s Old City.
Dec 12 - Brexit / Boris Johnson’s election
Dec 12,
2019 – Boris Johnson elected PM SAME DAY as Luxembourg Arch set up!
April 19,
2016 - Then-Mayor Boris Johnson presided over the Palmyra Arch
display at Trafalgar Square, London during Passover.
Dec 12 - Installation
of Replica of Palmyra Triumphal Arch - Neimënster Abbey, Luxembourg
(see Dec 16 for unveiling)
Dec 12
- 7:12 am - Full Moon / Cold Moon - (see Dec 16 for unveiling)
Dec 11 @ 9:12 PT and Dec 12 @ 12:12 ET
Dec 12 –
Mars-Zubenelgenubi conjunction
DECEMBER 12, 2019 - 35
More details of events:
Effective as of December 10, 2019
Terminations and Suspensions by YouTube for Cause
YouTube may suspend or terminate your access, your Google account, or your Google account’s access to all or part of the Service if (a) you materially or repeatedly breach this Agreement; (b) we are required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order; or (c) we believe there has been conduct that creates (or could create) liability or harm to any user, other third party, YouTube or our Affiliates.
Terminations and Suspensions by YouTube for Cause
YouTube may suspend or terminate your access, your Google account, or your Google account’s access to all or part of the Service if (a) you materially or repeatedly breach this Agreement; (b) we are required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order; or (c) we believe there has been conduct that creates (or could create) liability or harm to any user, other third party, YouTube or our Affiliates.
Nov 25
– Dec 10 - UN International Day for the
Elimination of Violence Against Women is ‘Orange the World: Generation
Equality Stands Against Rape,’ and for the next two years, the UN
Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign will focus on
the issue of rape. As in previous years, the International Day will mark the
launch of the 16 days of activism that will conclude on 10 December, which is International Human Rights Day.
Dec 11, 1948 – UN – Jerusalem be an international city.
This was also confirmed in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 in
1948, which maintained the position that Jerusalem be made an international
city,[3] under
United Nations supervision.
Dec 11
- FOLLOWING two inconclusive elections in 2019—one in April and another in
September—Israel’s president, for the first time in the nation’s history, has
turned over the task of finding a government to the Parliament. President
Rivlin this week set a December 11 deadline for lawmakers to nominate a new
candidate from their own ranks to try and form a new government. If this
process fails, a third vote will be held in March 2020. Alongside the
unprecedented election proceedings, another first in Israel: a sitting prime
minister was charged with a crime as formal bribery, fraud, and breach-of-trust
charges were lodged against Benjamin Netanyahu.
Dec 11, 2019 - A Look Inside Leviathan Part 2 - operations/leviathan-progress- update - In 1932, Noble Energy begins as Samedan Oil Corporation, an explorer of crude oil and natural gas, founded by Lloyd Noble in southern Oklahoma. - Noble_Energy - news/home/20191231005115/en/ Noble-Energy-Announces-Gas- Leviathan-Field-Offshore - In 1932, Noble Energy begins as Samedan Oil Corporation, an explorer of crude oil and natural gas, founded by Lloyd Noble in southern Oklahoma. -
Trump’s Executive Order on Anti-Semitism Might Be Well-Meaning, but It Could Limit Free Expression - https://www.manhattan- executive-order-president- trump-campus-free-speech
https://jewishvoiceforpeace. org/trump-eo-2/ - Can't criticize Israel
Dec 12 - Brexit / UK Election
Then I
heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the
kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of
our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast
Revelation 12:10
Revelation 12:10
Dec 12 - Pacific Spaceflight @Pacific_Space - Today's space/flying book mention: "Flying" by E. Herrera. The author built a pressurized suit in the 1930's for balloon exploration of the stratosphere! 'Flew' it in alt chamber to 80,000ft for several hours, no prob. Spanish Civil War nixed actual flights. Diary format.
Dec 2-13 - UN climate talks near end as countries divided on emissions, funding - Madrid
Dec. 13 - Pope visits the General Jesuit Curia to attend the presentation of Fr. Miguel Ángel Fiorito's full writings. He considers Fr. Miguel his spiritual master. The event coincides with the 50th anniversary of Pope Francis' priestly ordination.
Geometric designs in recent news posts.
Dec 13/14 - Today the Parashah #12 is Va-Yechi which means "And He Lived."
Torah: Genesis 47:28-50:26 Haftarahs1 Kings 2:1-12 -
Today we celebrate reading the last Parashah of Genesis or "Bereshit." At the end of the reading we say "Be Strong! Be Strong! And may we be strengthened!
Psalm 27:13-14 - The LORD is My Salvation
Still I am certain to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait patiently for the LORD; be strong and courageous.
Wait patiently for the LORD; be strong and courageous.
Wait patiently for the LORD.
DEC 13, 2019 – Christie’s Latest Auction Sold $6 Million Worth of Rare Watches From Rolex, Patek Philippe and More - The auction also included an unusual and tiny Patek Philippe "backpack" watch and a timepiece owned by a former American president. Patek Philippes in the sale, the most charming, hands-down, was a one-of-a-kind watch designed as a tiny backpack. It was made in 1875 for Elbert E. Farman, former diplomatic agent and the American Consul-General to Cairo, Egypt. Farman was evidently something of an adventurer, and the 18-karat gold, enamel and platinum watch was thus designed as an explorer’s backpack … Farman was responsible for bringing Cleopatra’s Needle, the Egyptian obelisk, to New York’s Central Park as a gift from the Egyptian government.
Dec 13 – Fortnite @FortniteGame - Be as fierce as the First Order.
Tune in tomorrow, December 14 at 2 PM ET to watch an exclusive clip of #StarWarsTheRiseOfSkywalker and earn the TIE Whisper Glider for free!
Dec. 14, 2012 - 7th Anniversary "Sandy Hook" - NEWTOWN, CT —
A number of foundations and other charitable organizations. [money laundering]
A number of foundations and other charitable organizations. [money laundering]
Newtown CT - Castle Hill Road
Dec 14 - Vatican Christmas Concert –
December 15, 1791 - The Bill of Rights is ratified and becomes law
Maryland: Articles One through Twelve on
December 19, 1789
North Carolina: Articles One through Twelve on December 22, 1789
Virginia: Article One on November 3, 1791, and Articles Two through Twelve on December 15, 1791
North Carolina: Articles One through Twelve on December 22, 1789
Virginia: Article One on November 3, 1791, and Articles Two through Twelve on December 15, 1791
In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
declared December 15 to be Bill of Rights Day
The House approved 17 amendments. Of
these, the Senate approved 12, which were sent to the states for approval in
August 1789. Ten amendments were approved (or ratified). Virginia’s legislature
was the final state legislature to ratify the amendments, approving them on
December 15, 1791.
December 15, 1966 - Walt Disney died of complications relating to lung cancer
Dec 16 - Disney Studio: The Rise of Skywalker
Hirst is included in ‘Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the
World’ at The Walt Disney Family Museum.
Death is a central
theme in Hirst's works - series of artworks in which dead animals (including a
shark, a sheep and a cow) are preserved in formaldehyde.
Golden Calf
at Sotheby’s 2008 - Creepy "art"!!! (See Dec 25 - George Michael below.)
- Damien Hirst (b. 1965) - Saint Sebastian, Exquisite Pain (arrows / bullock)
Dec 15 – U2 Joshua Tree Tour ends - Mumbai, India - -
Red / Inverted images – Songs: In God's Country, Exit, Mothers of the Disappeared
December 16, 1944 - The Battle of the Bulge 75 years later
- Locations: The Ardennes: Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany
Brandenberger's Seventh Army pushed towards Luxembourg
The Germans achieved a
total surprise attack on the morning
of 16 December 1944, due to a combination of Allied overconfidence,
preoccupation with Allied offensive plans, and poor aerial reconnaissance due to bad weather. The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes
Counteroffensive, was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front
during World War II, and took place from 16 December
1944 to 25 January 1945.
This weekend, the town of Bastogne
has been celebrating NUTS Weekend, an annual tribute to the soldiers who
defended the town in 1944. Festivities include a military parade, a walk around
the perimeter, and even the 'Jet de Noix' (throwing of the nuts).
After the middle of the 14th
century, Emperor Charles IV attempted to secure Brandenburg for the House of Luxembourg. The
Margraviate of Brandenburg was a major principality of the Holy Roman Empire.
Dec 16, 2019 – Feb 24, 2020 – Unveiling of Replica of Palmyra Triumphal Arch - Neimënster Abbey, Luxembourg
16, 1811 - Earthquake New Madrid Fault - 7.2-8.2 M
16, 2000 – E4 Tornado Tuscaloosa, Alabama - 11 died 144 injured - 19 years ago!
16, 2019 – Tornadoes in Alexandria, LA, MS, and AL
Baptist Church destroyed –
Disney Studios - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
December 16, 2019 (Hollywood)
December 20, 2019 (United States)
Production company Lucasfilm Ltd.
Bad Robot Productions
Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
December 15, 1966 - Walt Disney died of complications relating to lung cancer
December 20, 1971 - Roy Disney died of a stroke
Damien Hirst is included
in ‘Mickey Mouse: From Walt to the World’ at The Walt Disney Family Museum.
Dec 16-20 - 8th Session The Conference is one of the world's largest anti-corruption gatherings
He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.
Revelation 1:16
Dec 18-21 - Islamic Summit in Kuala Lumpur -
Dec 19, 1877 – Egyptian obelisk aboard ship for London – Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, "Cleopatra's Needle", beside the Thames Victoria Embankment, in London near the Golden Jubilee Bridges.
Muslim states may switch to gold to tackle any sanctions
Iran, Malaysia, Turkey and Qatar are looking into using gold and barter for trade to shield themselves from any future punitive economic measures, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has announced. The idea was voiced as the leaders of many Islamic nations gathered for a four-day Islamic summit in Kuala Lumpur, which was boycotted by Saudi Arabia. gdswyEySKDc
Dec 19, 1877 – Egyptian obelisk aboard ship for London – Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, "Cleopatra's Needle", beside the Thames Victoria Embankment, in London near the Golden Jubilee Bridges.
It was presented to the United Kingdom in 1819
by the ruler of Egypt and Sudan Muhammad Ali, in commemoration of the victories of Lord Nelson at the Battle of the Nile and Sir Ralph Abercromby at the Battle of Alexandria in 1801.
instructions for conducting magical rites related to the god Osiris
(hieroglyph images)
with the obelisk in NYC Central Park – (see hieroglyph images/translation) 20, 1982 - Empire State Building is listed on the State and National Register of Historic Places.
Apr 14, 2016 – Dec
20, 2017 -
World Tour was
a tour of the US band The Lumineers. To support their second
album Cleopatra, they started touring from Bristol, England,
and ended at Inglewood, California,
Cleopatra's Needle - Central Park, NYC
Cleopatra's Needle - Central Park, NYC See images and
more, etc.
Dec 20 - CERN highlights from 2019 - 30 years of the World Wide Web
CERN News:
A breakthrough for high luminosity - Filmed Friday, Dec 13 -
Dec 21 - (posted 11:10 a.m. PST) - Freight train derails and falls into Potomac River near Harpers Ferry, W.Va.
Dec 21 –
Yule (pagan festival)
Dec 21 –
Winter Solstice
️ day /
day (Sunday / Monday)
calendar/view/month.asp?tdate= 12/22/2019
Dec 23 - Russia Plans to Cut Off Some Internet Access on Monday
Dec 25 –
Christmas (winter solstice on the Roman calendar, Saturnalia)
Dec 21 - Yellow Vests celebrated in their way the 42nd birthday of French President Emmanuel Macron, by taking over the courtyard of the Louvre and staging a protest, in Paris on Saturday. bYzz5t96Dkk "Mr. Jupiter"
Dec 21 - Catalans with torchlights flood Barcelona for independence march -
Dec 21/22 - Month 10-24/25 - Parashah #13
Parashah "Shemot" which means "The Names"- Hebrew name for the book of Exodus.
Today is Shabbat Mevarekhin which means "Sabbath of Blessing."
Exodus 1:1-6:1, Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23 & Jeremiah 1:1-2:3
Dec 22/23 - 24 Kislev - Hanukkah 🕎 begins on Rabbinical calendar
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman lit the first Chanukah candle at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
Dec 23 - Close approach of the Moon and Mars. pre-dawn - Old Moon Meets Mars
Morning Moon and Mars at the Altar / Libra (see Celestial Signs above)
At the time the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem.
It was winter, and Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.
John 10:22-23
Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12
Dec 23 - Russia Plans to Cut Off Some Internet Access on Monday
The test aims to evaluate a system meant to control traffic, veil hackers, and quash dissent. Russia will temporarily shut off many of its citizens’ access to the global Internet two days before Christmas in a test of its controversial RuNet program.
Notre Dame to miss first Christmas midnight mass since the French Revolution in 1789
Notre-Dame Cathedral to stay closed for first time in centuries during holiday season - Eight months ago, it was consumed by flames. Massive reconstruction efforts are currently underway, but although the Cathedral's lights will be out this Christmas, the spirit of Our Lady of Paris is being kept alive in exile. -
Notre Dame last closure: From Thursday, Dec 24, 1789 - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2019
2012 "I, Pet Goat II", Heliofant and April 15/16, 2019, Notre Dame, Paris
White House Christmas Decorations - “The Spirit of America,” is a tribute to
the traditions, customs, and history that make our Nation great. The State
Dining room celebrates America, the beautiful. Displayed on the iconic eagle
pier table, the Gingerbread House features the South Portico of the White House
and landmarks from across the country, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Space Needle, Mount Rushmore, the Alamo, Gateway
Arch, Liberty Bell, and Statue of Liberty.
- This year’s Gingerbread House is constructed from 200 lbs. of dough and covered
in 25 lbs. of icing.
Golden Gate Bridge & Space Needle Predictive
- - -
25/26 - Annular Solar Eclipse -
See more celestial signs above.
12-24/25 - During Festival of Lights / Hanukkah / Feast of Dedication and Christmas
More celestial events above.
(see Celestial Signs above)
2019 "Last
Christmas" movie - Henry Golding and Emilia Golding in a scene underneath
the blue metal arches in Apple Market where a certain incident involving
“looking up” seemingly brings them together. The pair sit on the steps next to Cleopatra’s Needle, where the Thames bends
at just the right angle to have the London Eye over on the South Bank appealingly
illuminated in the background See
poster image: London Eye, Big Ben -
25, 2016 (died at age of 53) - George Michael - Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire,
He died in Oxfordshire |
OX ford | Bethabara means house of the ford
"Praying for Time". "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me", a
1991 duet with Elton John, was also a transatlantic number one. ‘The Edge Of
Heaven/Where Did Your Heart Go’,
Columbia Epic Records
- Michael, who came out as gay in 1998, was an
active LGBT rights campaigner
"Freedom! '90" - Michael performed this song, alongside his 2012 single "White
Light", during the closing
ceremony of the 2012
London Olympics.
Freedom: ”The Gang” performs a dance number to it in
the It’s
Always Sunny in Philadelphia season 7 episode “The High School Reunion Part 2: The Gang’s Revenge”.
- See sign on website:
Michael Faith album symbols stand for Faith,
Music, Money, Religion and Love
Michael, Symphonica Tour, Royal Albert Hall, London – His private collection
Incomplete Truth – Dove and The
Immaculate Heart?Sacred - sterling silver barbed wire, monofilament, bull's
heart, dove's wings and formaldehyde
‘The collection was part of him’ — George
Michael and the art -
painted stainless steel, silicone, arrows, crossbow bolts, stainless steel
cable and clamps, stainless steel carabiner, bullock and formaldehyde solution.
Executed in 2007 –
16, 2019 · Kenny Goss says he finally has closure after losing former lover
George Michael – and says the sale of their art helped heal his heart. The
60-year-old held back tears at the auction
Dallas, Texas – Kenny Goss -
Death is a central
theme in Hirst's works - series of artworks in which dead animals (including a
shark, a sheep and a cow) are preserved in formaldehyde.
Golden Calf at Sotheby’s 2008
The Golden Calf, a bull preserved in
formaldehyde, adorned with hooves, a disk above its head and horns made of
18-carat gold, broke the world record for the sale of a Hirst at auction, going
for £10.3 million.
11.21.19 - 1.11.20 - NOTHING
NEW UNDER THE SUN - Goss-Michael
Saturn, Jupiter, Sun-New Moon,
Mercury12-24/25 - During Festival of Lights / Hanukkah / Feast of Dedication and Christmas
Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes on
Christmas Eve near Vancouver Island after six B.C. seismic events on Monday
6.0/6.3 Earthquakes in the last 24
hours!!!! (along the western Pacific area)
6.3 182km W of Port Hardy,
2019-12-25 03:36:02 (UTC)
2019-12-25 03:36:02 (UTC)
6.0 163km W of Port Hardy,
2019-12-23 20:56:23 (UTC) 10.0 km - 50.583°N 129.999°W
6.0 176km W of Port Hardy, Canada
2019-12-23 19:49:43 (UTC)
2019-12-23 20:56:23 (UTC) 10.0 km - 50.583°N 129.999°W
6.0 176km W of Port Hardy, Canada
2019-12-23 19:49:43 (UTC)
6.0 15km WNW of El Hoyo,
Argentina (The hole or pit)
2019-12-24 16:43:32 (UTC)
2019-12-24 16:43:32 (UTC)
6.0 4km SSE of Lejanias,
Colombia (state of being far away, distance, remoteness)
2019-12-24 19:03:51 (UTC
2019-12-24 19:03:51 (UTC
4.9 66km SE of Putre,
Chile (From Aymara puxtiri - loud river)
2019-12-24 18:48:24 (UTC)
2019-12-24 18:48:24 (UTC)
Hardy, British Columbia in the Queen Charlotte
Strait region.
Port Hardy was named after Vice-Admiral Sir
Thomas Masterman Hardy who served as the captain
of H.M.S. Victory.[3]. He served at
the Battle
of Trafalgar when Nelson died in his arms [site
of 2016 London Palmyra Arch display] -
Nine earthquakes in less than 24 hours hit California on Christmas eve, early morning
The largest was near Idyllwild, in the San Jacinto mountains east of Los Angeles, at 8:24 p.m. The quake was 9.6 miles deep and was felt as far away as the Rancho Cucamonga and Redondo Beach.
The escape of an estimated 20,000
non-native fish off Vancouver Island demonstrates the urgent need to phase
out ocean-based farming - 12-23 – Vancouver Sun -
Last Christmas - deaths are growing!!! 2012 London Olympics
"Freedom! '90" - Michael
performed this song, alongside his 2012 single "White Light," during the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics.
Freedom: ”The Gang” performs a dance
number to it in the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia season
7 episode “The High School Reunion Part 2: The Gang’s Revenge.”
The Complete London 2012 Closing
Ceremony | London 2012 Olympic Games @
1:17 "Imagine" @ 1:20 "Freedom" - so much programming!!!! - See Sign on website:
"Last Christmas"
deaths: "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"
Dec 25,
2016 - George Michael (age 53) - London home - suicide
Dec 25,
2019 - Sister of George Michael (age 59) Melanie Panayiotou -
London home - "sudden"
Dec 25,
2019 - Lee Mendelson, producer of 'A Charlie Brown Christmas,' (age 86) -
SF area home - cancer
Dec 25,
2019 - Ari Mikael Behn (born Bjørshol) (age 47) - Norway - suicide (Kevin
Spacey accuser/"kill" video)
He died in Oxfordshire |
OX ford | Bethabara means house of the ford
George Michael, Symphonica Tour,
Royal Albert Hall, London – His private collection
The Incomplete Truth – Dove and The Immaculate Heart?Sacred
- sterling silver barbed wire, monofilament, bull's heart, dove's wings and
‘The collection was part of him’
— George Michael and the art -
Damien Hirst
(b. 1965) - Saint Sebastian, Exquisite Pain - Death is a central
theme in Hirst's works -
The Golden Calf and
in Dallas, Texas – Kenny Goss -
"Wake Me Up Before You
2019 - George Michael's sister
Melanie Panayiotou was found dead at age 59 in her London home on Christmas
Day, exactly three years after the British pop star died,
"We can confirm that very
tragically Melanie has passed away suddenly,"
Kevin Spacey accuser Ari Behn, 47,
ex of Norwegian princess, died by suicide after creepy "kill"
Ari Behn, a former member of
Norway’s royal family -
Creepy Kevin Spacey - House of Cards
Lee Mendelson, producer of 'A Charlie Brown Christmas,' dies at 86
- SF area home
Wrote lyrics to “It’s Christmas Time”
Dec 25/26 - Annular Solar Eclipse -
(Visible in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Asia, India)
Sun / New Moon Eclipse with nearby Jupiter @ Milky Way eclipse/solar/2019-december-26
Star "Nash" meaning "arrowhead" -
kenash: to gather -
[כָּסַף] verb long (for) (Arabic be colourless, obscure, be eclipsed (of sun or moon)
More celestial events above.
During Festival of Lights / Hanukkah / Feast of Dedication and Christmas
During Festival of Lights / Hanukkah / Feast of Dedication and Christmas
(see Celestial Signs above)
Dec 27 – Sun & Jupiter - Jupiter at solar
conjunction @ Milky Way (Golden Gate)
Dec 27 - Suns vs. Golden State Warriors @ SF
PHOENIX Suns (11-19) -
Friday, Dec. 27, 2019 • 10:30 PM ET, Chase Center • San Francisco, CA
Dec 27 - "Last Call" "Lights
out" TAPS in Moon
Jae-in's South Korea. False Alarm!!
Amid Kim's "Christmas
Gift" Threat, US Base Near DMZ Mistakenly Blared Air Raid Siren
Last night at 10pm
somebody at Camp Casey (the closest US base to NK) accidentally pressed the
"Go to war" siren instead of the last
button for lights out.
Casey, South Korea just hit the Go To War sirens on accident instead of TAPS. located
just south of the Demilitarized Zone and some 40 miles north of
Seoul. According to a statement given
to Stars and Stripes, “When the operator realized that he pushed the wrong
button, they notified all the units on Camp Casey that it was a false alarm,”
Then, at 12:22 a.m. Friday,
Japanese state broadcaster NHK erroneously reported that a North Korean missile
had landed in the sea near the northern island of Hokkaido. “At around
0:22 am on the 27th, [NHK] erroneously reported on the Internet that the
missile in North Korea was estimated to have fallen to the sea about 2,000 km
east of Cape Erimo, Hokkaido,” the broadcaster said in its
House on the moon? (caption
caught my attention!)
Moon mission | DW Documentary Dec
27, 2019
German Aerospace Center’s EDEN
ISS project - 1969 Apollo
Dec 27, 2019 – Donald John
Imus (79) - Texas
died Friday morning in
College Station, Texas after being hospitalized on Christmas Eve.
Don Imus signs off
- The sun is setting on "Imus
in the Morning." -
Sun logo
Imus was known to fans
as the “I-Man” who prided himself on
speaking his mind about politics, pop
culture and other hot topics.
Imus @WhereMyImusAt
4:34 AM - Jan 22, 2018
March 29th, 2018, will be the last 'Imus in the Morning Program.' Turn out the lights...the party's over.
March 29th, 2018, will be the last 'Imus in the Morning Program.' Turn out the lights...the party's over.
Quakes on the S. Oregon coast pnw/recent - Sweet Home yesterday!
2.7 2019/12/28 12:07:32 PST 10.0 km
3.0 2019/12/28 07:36:38 PST 10.0 km
3.9 2019/12/28 03:03:48 PST 10.0 km
4.3 2019/12/28 02:24:59 PST 10.0 km (shallow)
3.9 2019/12/28 03:03:48 PST 10.0 km
4.3 2019/12/28 02:24:59 PST 10.0 km (shallow)
Dec 28 -
Sacramento Kings vs. Phoenix Suns at
the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, CA of
Lebanon -
events / Monster / Beast / Messenger (across
river from Golden Center)
Ziggurat former
headquarter for Money Store - the founder and chairman of
the new incarnation. 29, 1941 - 78 years ago!! - The text of the "Declaration by United Nations" was drafted at the White House by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Roosevelt aide Harry Hopkins. Dec 31 / Jan 1 a common time to change leadership -
2,000-year-old Hasmonean coins unearthed in Shiloh over Hanukkah
The coins date back to the ruler Alexander Jannnaeus and his successors.
DECEMBER 30, 2019 19:11
The coins date back to the ruler Alexander Jannnaeus and his successors.
DECEMBER 30, 2019 19:11
A wet sifting project in ancient Shiloh has led to the discovery of some 20 ancient coins this week as the world marked the final days of Hanukkah. News/2000-year-old-Hasmonean- coins-unearthed-in-Shiloh-on- Hanukkah-612567 - shiloh-excavations - -
Shiloh is not mentioned in Egypt. It is not mentioned in Mesopotamia. It is only mentioned in the Bible. And so, that is our go-to source.”
Dec 31, 2019 - 2000-year-old coins found in Shiloh -
Trove of 1,200-year-old ‘Arabian Nights’ gold coins uncovered in Israel
A jug full of rare 1,200-year-old gold coins was discovered in an excavation in Yavneh just ahead of Hanukkah, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced. - 1,001 Arabian nights
A jug full of rare 1,200-year-old gold coins was discovered in an excavation in Yavneh just ahead of Hanukkah, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced. - 1,001 Arabian nights
the action of taking out something, especially using effort or force.
24-48 hours - warnings - Israeli coastal residents evacuate in fear of toxic emissions.
NYC to combat anti-Semitism. Arab bank sued for $20-billion. - ($1 = 3.4563 shekels) [3.99]
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel’s $3.6 billion offshore Leviathan field started production on Tuesday, paving the way for multi-billion dollar gas export deals with Egypt and Jordan in the coming weeks. Natural gas began flowing from Israel’s largest field despite regulatory delays and court petitions by groups opposing the project raised doubts that its operators would meet their end-of-2019 timeline.
However, Texas-based Noble Energy, Israel’s Delek Drilling and Ratio Oil said that operations had started, effectively doubling the amount of Israeli-produced gas and lifting shares in both Israeli firms.
“Israel is now an energy powerhouse, able to supply all its energy needs and gaining energy independence,” - The supply of gas from Leviathan wells, 130 kilometres west of the port city of Haifa
“Israel is now an energy powerhouse, able to supply all its energy needs and gaining energy independence,” - The supply of gas from Leviathan wells, 130 kilometres west of the port city of Haifa
Noble starts up massive Leviathan project in Israel
By Jordan Blum Updated 8:31 am CST, Tuesday, December 31, 2019
By Jordan Blum Updated 8:31 am CST, Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Leviathan startup by the Houston oil and gas producer
Noble aimed to bring Leviathan online before the end of this year and just narrowly succeeded with the New Year's Eve startup. The nearly $4 billion project was delayed a bit in December until a judge lifted an injunction that threatened to stall production because of environmental concerns.
Leviathan's production should outpace Tamar during the latter half of 2020.
Fearing Pollution, Israelis Leave Homes as Offshore Gas Production Begins
Officials have cautioned that the processing platform off the Carmel Coast will emit carcinogenic benzene, but insist the situation is being monitored to minimize risks.
The Sharon-Carmel Association of Cities and the Environmental Protection Ministry will be monitoring the process with hourly reports
Officials have cautioned that the processing platform off the Carmel Coast will emit carcinogenic benzene, but insist the situation is being monitored to minimize risks.
The Sharon-Carmel Association of Cities and the Environmental Protection Ministry will be monitoring the process with hourly reports
Dec 11, 2019 - A Look Inside Leviathan Part 2 - operations/leviathan-progress- update - In 1932, Noble Energy begins as Samedan Oil Corporation, an explorer of crude oil and natural gas, founded by Lloyd Noble in southern Oklahoma. - Noble_Energy - news/home/20191231005115/en/ Noble-Energy-Announces-Gas- Leviathan-Field-Offshore - In 1932, Noble Energy begins as Samedan Oil Corporation, an explorer of crude oil and natural gas, founded by Lloyd Noble in southern Oklahoma. -
Trump’s Executive Order on Anti-Semitism Might Be Well-Meaning, but It Could Limit Free Expression - https://www.manhattan- executive-order-president- trump-campus-free-speech
https://jewishvoiceforpeace. org/trump-eo-2/ - Can't criticize Israel
(See Dec 11 in Jerusalem history above)
Nov 27, 2019 – (video) Marina Abramović’s 'The Life' — The World’s First Mixed Reality Performance Artwork | Christie's - - In October 2020, during Frieze Week in London, one of three editions of The Life will be offered for sale at Christie’s.
12-31 - Prince William announces the Earthshot Prize:
H.R.777 - Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act of 2019 116th Congress
This bill reauthorizes grants that support state and local efforts to process DNA evidence in rape kits.
12/30/2019 Signed by President.
12-31 - Prince William announces the Earthshot Prize:
Just as the moonshot that John F. Kennedy proposed in the 1960s catalysed new technology
Today, The Duke of Cambridge announced the launch of The Earthshot Prize.
The prestigious new environmental prize aims to inspire the world’s greatest problem solvers to focus on the emergencies facing our natural world.
Earthshot Prize: William and Kate launch prize to 'repair the Earth'
Prince William said the world faces a "stark choice" to continue "irreparably" damaging the planet or "lead, innovate and problem-solve".
The announcement was made in a video narrated by Sir David Attenborough posted on social media.
The Duke of Cambridge has announced “the most prestigious environmental prize in history” in a bid to galvanise a decade of action to repair the planet.
The Earthshot Prize aims to encourage and inspire people across the world to find innovative new solutions to one of the gravest problems facing the Earth
A multi-million pound prize will be awarded to five winners a year over 10 years, comprising at least 50 solutions to the world’s greatest problems by 2030.
The Duke joined forces with Sir David Attenborough to make the announcement just as the first countries around the globe saw in the New Year and a new decade.
the planet clearly shows evolution - Awards/Orders listed - wiki/David_Attenborough
And He
said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in
weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that
the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Corinthians 12:9
Jan 1 - World Day of Peace is a feast day of the Roman Catholic Church dedicated to universal peace, held on 1 January, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Pope Paul VI established it in 1967, being inspired by the encyclical Pacem in Terris of Pope John XXIII and with reference to his own encyclical Populorum Progressio. The day was first observed on 1 January 1968
2020 – Clear Vision –
Much associated with this number.
1920 – The “Roaring
Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and
sale of alcoholic beverages from 1920 to 1933.
Get ready for the ’20s! -
vs 2 - speech, knowledge
vs 3 - voice
vs 4 - their words
vs 6 - circuit unto the ends of it
The Circuit of Heaven -
Psalm 20 - 2020 - "Day of trouble"
The Economist released its annual
standalone special issue, “The World in 2020.” In its 34th year, “The World
In…” franchise looks at the year ahead and predicts the issues that will likely
affect global affairs and the economy. It is available online now and
newsstands Friday, Nov. 22.
The World in 2020 will build on more
than three decades of publishing success: this will be the 34th edition. It will
look ahead to America’s presidential election, a landmark year for China, the
next stage of the Brexit saga, the Olympics in Tokyo, the World Expo in Dubai,
technological excitements from flying cars to Mars rovers and a big year for
Raphael and Beethoven, not to mention James Bond. A special supplement, 2020
Vision, will look at longer-term predictions. The World in 2020 is the flagship
product of The World Ahead, The Economist’s future-focused franchise, which
also includes The World If scenarios supplement as well as films, podcasts and
live events.
Headquarters Westminster, London
Economist shareholders:
Cadbury, Rothschild (21%)
Updates throughout the month.
news with biblical connections:
More December Events –
Continuing and Past
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