But you, brethren, are not in darkness,
so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.
You are all sons of light and sons of the day.
We are not of the night nor of darkness.
Therefore let us not sleep, as others do,
but let us watch and be sober.
1 Thessalonians 5:4-6
Celestial Signs - Genesis
1:14, Psalm 19
Genesis 1:14
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament
[raqia] of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs and seasons [moed], and for days and years
May 1 - Moon in Leo! Lion of Judah!
May 4 – Mercury at superior solar
conjunction - https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20200504_11_100
May 6 – Moon at the Altar - https://earthsky.org/tonight/last-full-moon-supermoon-of-2020
Corona Borealis - Look for the beautiful
Northern Crown
Use the stars of the Big Dipper to guide your
way to beacons of spring’s night skies.
Overhead before midnight!!
May 6/7 –
Full Moon “Flower, Milk or Corn” Moon - May 7 at 1:45 pm in Jerusalem
May 7 –
Apollo-class asteroid 2009 X0 allegedly coming particularly close
(see events below - 2nd Passover and more)
(see events below - 2nd Passover and more)
SWAN is expected to grace northern skies in the days to come.
When Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y4) began to fragment and fade in April our hopes for a
bright comet this spring appeared quashed. But just in the nick of time Comet SWAN (C/2020 F8) came to the rescue, shooting across
the sky faster than a speeding bullet and wearing a magnificent green cape to
May 11 –
Saturn near Jupiter at Station 1 (appears to be standing still for about 2
May 12 –
Moon & Jupiter close approach - https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20200512_15_100
dawn on Monday the 11th, the waning gibbous Moon shines in the south. Left of
it are Jupiter and Saturn, as shown below. Look closer below the Moon for the
handle of the Sagittarius Teapot. The handle's three brightest stars show at
far right in the scene below.
May 12 –
Moon & Jupiter close approach - https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20200512_15_100
Mars & Moon in alignment with Saturn & Jupiter and ISS & Hubble
May 14 –
Moon & Mars close approach - https://in-the-sky.org
May 14 –
Jupiter peak at Station 1 (appears to be standing still for about 2 weeks)
May 14, 1948 – Gregorian date: Israel Independence Day
May 14 –
Comet Atlas & Pleiades / Star Atlas - https://www.postscripts.org/ps-news-371.html
Informedchristians - https://drive.google.com/file/d/14aNZVyi7iKdzsnwXJrrOPokFm6rT--O0/view
Jupiter & Saturn Synchronized
May 15/16
- Parashah #35 Scripture Readings “Naso”
nasa or nasah: to lift, carry, take - https://biblehub.com/str/hebrew/5375.htm
FALSE! Why did this report - went viral!!?? May 16 - Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon are the 3
brightest celestial objects in our skies and you can witness a 'smiley face moon conjunction' that
will occur over North America. J
May 16 - Jupiter, Venus, and
the Moon will be Aligning to form a smiley face :-)
May 17 - Close approach of Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn pass within 4°41' of each other. - https://in-the-sky.org
5-16-2020 - Venus, Mercury, Sun in Taurus AND Moon, Mars, Saturn-Jupiter
May 17 - Close approach of Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn pass within 4°41' of each other. - https://in-the-sky.org
May 14-21 – Jupiter peak at Station 1 (appears to be standing still
for about 2 weeks)
(see above)
May 20 – Sun
near Pleiades in Taurus
May 20 - Hidden Moon at Aries near Sun
May 21
- Venus & Mercury at dusk
May 22
– New Moon - https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20200522_08_100
May 22
– Venus & Mercury Conjunction - https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20200522_19_100
May 23-
25 – Moon, Venus & Mercury
May 26-27 - https://earthsky.org/tonight/
Page 11 - Gemini - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o2dNrTKlWdfO9UYJQ6roOP_o3GvZd9So/view
June 3 -
Venus at inferior solar conjunction - https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20200603_11_100
June 5 -
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (seen In Israel) - https://torahcalendar.com/Calendar.asp?YM=Y2020M3
June 21 -
Annular Solar Eclipse
Biblical Calendar – Starts in the
There is also a Civil calendar that begins with Rosh
Hashanah in the fall.
Month – Religious/Civil on Hebrew
calendar / Corresponding Gregorian months
Ziv / Iyar
Barley harvest, dry
season begins
(Esther 8:9)
Wheat harvest,
Pentecost (Weeks)
2nd Month / Iyar (Ziv) - 1st and 2nd
Temples built at the start of the month
1 Kings 6:1, 37 and 2 Chronicles 3
- Solomon Builds the Temple
Ezra 3:8 - Restoration of the
Temple Begins
3rd Month – Sivan
begins after the sighting of the new moon in
Historical events by Hebrew date:
view - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4lMw4yuCqaBejhibmUxb3ZwdGM/view
Be alert and always
keep on praying ... Eph. 6
Be sober, be vigilant;
because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking
whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8-9
Israel: Sea of Galilee rising to record levels in Israel
The Sea of Galilee Is Finally Completely Full — and
After almost 30 years in which the shrinking lake
retreated further and further from the shore, it is now overflowing its banks.
Yet the coronavirus lockdown means no one is here to enjoy it.
At the southernmost end of the lake is Degania Dam,
which feeds into the Jordan River. The dam was built in the 1930s. “It’s a game
of centimeters,” … “The Kinneret is still rising by two centimeters a day. They
are trying to avoid opening the dam, but we need to realize that before
opening, logistical preparations have to be made.”
The area is blossoming, with clouds of yellow
daisies and white wild carrot. A large flock of storks flies over ... in the
middle of the channel, is a turtle.
https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-the-sea-of-galilee-is-finally-completely-full-and-empty-1.8792995 -
The Water Has Broken - Second
Filmed at the Sea of Galilee, Israel
Spirit and the Bride
Official Music Video / Joshua Aaron
NYC: Empire State Building lights up with red and
white siren
ESB’s classic white lights will be
replaced with America’s heartbeat and a siren of red and white in the mast as
we pay respect to our heroic emergency workers on the front line of the fight.
at 8:55-9 PM - New Yorkers baffled over
‘unsettling’ Empire State Building siren display
3-30-2020 - 33-22 https://nypost.com/2020/03/31/new-yorkers-baffled-over-unsettling-empire-state-building-siren-display/ -
[1/2] We’ll never
stop shining for you. Starting tonight through the COVID-19 battle, our
signature white lights will be replaced by the heartbeat of America with a
white and red siren in the mast for heroic emergency workers on the front line
of the fight. [2/2] At 9PM, NYC’s theme song will play in our lights with our
EmpireStateofMind music-to-light show, with the song playing simultaneously on
z100Newyork’s ElvisduranShow
Executive Order on Ordering the
Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
TRUMP- Having determined that it is
necessary to augment the regular Armed Forces of the United States for a named
operational mission, specifically the “Enhanced Department of Defense
Counternarcotic Operation in the Western Hemisphere,” I hereby order as
4-30 - https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-ordering-selected-reserve-armed-forces-active-duty
- https://youtu.be/xWiCL_QP0dU
Trump said the United States will be
working with 22 partner nations to in an attempt to stop cartels in the
#33 Be-Chukotai (In My Statutes) Leviticus
26:3-27:34, Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
At the end of the reading we say "Be Strong! Be Strong! And may we be strengthened!
At the end of the reading we say "Be Strong! Be Strong! And may we be strengthened!
Psalm 27:13-14 - The LORD is My Salvation
Still I am certain to see
the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait patiently for the
LORD; be strong and courageous.
Wait patiently for the
May Day!!
May 1 –
Occult / Beltane
40 days before May 1st -
Sun, March 22, 1980
– 40th Anniversary of Georgia Guidestones
Mar 22, 2020 - Lailat al
Miraj -
- https://www.calendarlabs.com/holidays/islam/lailat-al-miraj.php
Mohammed's Night Journey on Buraq... - https://youtu.be/EcSFAt-mJKM
May 1 premiere - "Upload" - Official Trailer I Prime Video (aired March 16)
Upload is set in a future where "humans are able to
'upload' themselves into their preferred choice of afterlife. ["Hell is
cool theme."]
Executive Order on Securing the
United States Bulk-Power System
Trump to Camp David - phone calls
with foreign leaders.
He is to return to Washington on Sunday in time for a Fox News Channel “virtual town hall” event at the Lincoln Memorial.
Trump plans a trip to Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday.
He is to return to Washington on Sunday in time for a Fox News Channel “virtual town hall” event at the Lincoln Memorial.
Trump plans a trip to Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday.
Proverbs 5:1-2
My son, pay attention to my wisdom; incline your ear to my insight,
2 that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge.
shamar: preserve, to keep, watch, preserve, maintain - https://biblehub.com/hebrew/8104.htm
A primitive root; properly, to hedge about (as with thorns), i.e. Guard; generally, to protect, attend to, etc. -- beward, be circumspect, take heed (to self), keep(-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that lay) wait (for), watch(-man).
May 2 -
Quakes 6.6 Greece 5.5 Puerto Rico / Mexico Ash from Popocatépetl Volcano
May 3 - The two-hour event, America
Together: Returning to Work, will take place at the Lincoln Memorial.
named after dates in Damascus, Syria
- 7th April, 17th April, 6th May, 29th May
17 April 1946 - Evacuation Day (Arabic: عيد الجلاء), also called
Independence Day is Syria's national day
commemorating the evacuation of the last French soldier and Syria's
proclamation of full independence and the end of the French mandate of Syria. -
May 7/8 – Pesach Sheini
("Second Passover")
Sanhedrin’s plan for
sacrifice on Mount of Olives - http://templeinstitute.org
– Be alert!!
Celestial signs above – Full Moon, etc.
May 7/8 – Pesach Sheini
("Second Passover")
Sanhedrin’s plan for
sacrifice on Mount of Olives - http://templeinstitute.org – Be
CANCELLED - Mitzpeh Rehavam, underneath the “Seven Arches” on Mt. of Olives
... arrangements made to hold the Korban Pesach Sheni reenactment place on the Mount of Olives on the eve of the 13th of Iyar (May 7) but at the last minute, the police, citing Health Ministry restrictions, refused to allow the event to take place on the Mount of Olives and prevented the organizers from entering the Old City of Jerusalem. - https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/149919/second-passover-reenactment-cancelled-protest-against-possible-secret-deal-banishing-jews-from-temple-mount
Sitting atop Jerusalem's scenic Mount of Olives, the 7 Arches Hotel is defined by the glorious panoramic views that encompass one of the world's most beautiful, diverse and vibrant cities. Marvel at the majestic Old City below and, to the south, the verdant Bethlehem Hills, as ancient history meets modern urbanity in one enthralling landscape. Built in 1962 and officially opened in 1964, the hotel was fully renovated in 2016.
The hotel was built by the Jordanian government on land that belongs to the Islamic Waqf in Jerusalem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Arches_Hotel
May 8 in history
(3 popes have died on this day)
535 – Pope John II
615 – Pope Boniface IV (b.
685 – Pope Benedict II
1884 – Harry S. Truman, American colonel and politician, 33rd President
of the U.S. (d. 1972)
May 8, 1945 - VE Day 75th - Victory in Europe Day -
Royal Albert Hall
We’ll Meet Again for VE Day 75 - VEDay75
Join us at 18:00 BST on Friday 8 May 2020 as
mezzo soprano Katherine Jenkins delivers a historic set from an empty Royal
Albert Hall to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
- FUNDRAISER!!! - https://youtu.be/SzeEtnXaruc
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCugNt9gmBgZSFEv4lc4B6Zg
Victory in Europe Day, generally known as VE
Day (United Kingdom) or V-E Day (USA), is a day celebrating the formal
acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional
surrender of its armed forces on
"VE Day is a vital opportunity to engage the
next generation in remembrance" - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/06/ve-day-vital-opportunity-engage-next-generation-remembrance
29 March 1871 - Royal Albert Hall official
opening ceremony
One notable event was a Pink
Floyd concert held 26 June 1969, the night
they were banned from ever playing at the Hall again after shooting cannons,
nailing things to the stage, and having a man in a gorilla suit roam the
audience. At one point Rick Wright went to the pipe organ and began to play "The End Of The Beginning."
of BAFTA and Freemason events - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Albert_Hall
- https://www.royalalberthall.com
9 - Victory Day in Russia - 75th anniversary of the end of WWII
Thousands on the streets of Belarus to mark
Victory Day despite pandemic Ceremonies were subdued — with
one exception. Belarus pushed ahead with a huge military parade in Minsk.
Russia has marked 75 years since victory over
Nazi Germany in World War Two despite cancelling its traditional military
parade because of the coronavirus outbreak.
In a subdued celebration, President Vladimir
Putin laid roses at the Eternal Flame war memorial.
“Dot, Dot, Dot. Done!”
5-10-1869 - 2019 - Transcontinental Railroad’s 150th Anniversary
Reminders of New Year's Day ...
1-1-19 - Rose parade float of Jupiter and No. 119 railroad engines
The Rose Parade float, the Jupiter and the No. 119, commemorating the Golden Spike connection of The Transcontinental Railroad, catches fire and goes into reverse. 
May 11, 1949 - UN General Assembly Resolution 273
By virtue of General Assembly Resolution 273 (III), Israel was admitted to membership in the United Nations on 11 May 1949.[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Declaration_of_Independence
11.5 and 11.3 - Dates? (2015 Economist cover image below) - March blog
March 11 – WHO [UN] assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic
March 11 – WHO [UN] assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic
March 11 – Remarks by President Trump in Address to the Nation / NBA closes, etc.
March 13 - Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak
11.5 – May 11 - M 3.1 - 6km NNE of Vatican City, Vatican
2020-05-11 03:03:22 (UTC) 41.959°N 12.482°E10.0 km depth
2020-05-11 03:03:22 (UTC) 41.959°N 12.482°E10.0 km depth
USGS Vatican
City, Vatican May 11 03:03 3.1
EMSC Southern
Italy May
11 03:03 3.3
A weak earthquake has hit the Italian capital
Rome on Monday morning, 5:03am local time. It was felt in most parts of Rome
and surrounding towns. Many residents rushed out of their houses in fear. No
damage was done. According to INGV, the quake reached Magnitude 3.3.
May 11/12 - Lag BaOmer (Hebrew: לַ״ג בָּעוֹמֶר), also Lag B'Omer, is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer, which occurs on the 18th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar.
This day marks the hillula (celebration,
interpreted by some as anniversary of death) of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a
Mishnaic sage and leading disciple of Rabbi Akiva in the 2nd century, and the
day on which he revealed the deepest secrets of kabbalah in the form of the
Zohar (Book of Splendor), a landmark text of Jewish mysticism. This association
has spawned several well-known customs and practices on Lag BaOmer, including
the lighting of bonfires, pilgrimages to the tomb of Bar Yochai in the northern
Israeli town of Meron, and various customs at the tomb itself.[1]
Lag B' omer - The “Lag” is better represented
as just two letters – L and G. Together they mean the number 33 because L means
30 and G stands for 3. Up until the 33rd
day of the 50 day Omer countdown, rabbinic Jewish tradition imposes a time of
mourning, forbidding feasting, weddings, and celebrations… and haircuts as
well. But the scissors come out on the 33rd day of the Omer, the ‘LG’ of the
Omer, which is a time for celebration.
Celestial signs above - Jupiter and Saturn “standing still” for about 2 weeks
May 12 – Moon & Jupiter close approach - https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20200512_15_100
May 14 – Moon & Mars close approach - https://in-the-sky.org
May 14 –
Comet Atlas & Pleiades / Star Atlas - https://www.postscripts.org/ps-news-371.htmlMay 14 – Moon & Mars close approach - https://in-the-sky.org
May 16 - Jupiter, Venus, and
the Moon will be Aligning to form a smiley face :-)
May 13 - Knesset set to approve coalition
deal, with government to be sworn in, ending more than a year of political limbo.
Final votes on unity agreement to be held Thursday after last-minute amendments
made; court rejects petitions against deal, likely ending threat of 4th
In a decision handed out after 11 p.m. on Wednesday, the expanded
panel of 11 judges ruled that there
was no legal impediment to Netanyahu being tasked to form a government and
retaining the premiership even with indictments being filed against him in
three corruption cases, including bribery in one of them. His trial is set to
start on May 24. The deal specifies that Netanyahu may press ahead from July 1
with plans to annex parts of the West Bank, including all of Israel’s
settlements, even without Gantz’s support.
U.S. Confirms Pompeo to Travel to Israel on
May 13 to Meet Netanyahu, Gantz
Secretary of State to discuss coronavirus
outbreak and regional developments with officials
Knesset Speaker Benny Gantz informed the
Knesset on Monday that the swearing in of the new coalition government headed
by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be held this Thursday, May 14 at 1:00
May 13 - United Nations https://twitter.com/UN/status/1260612220876197891
Happy birthday to UN Messenger of Peace @
StevieWonder, who has worked tirelessly to promote a more inclusive world for
people with disabilities.
More on the importance of protecting the
rights of all people during the #COVID19 pandemic.
70th Birthday - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevie_Wonder
- https://twitter.com/StevieWonder
May 14 – Feast Day of St. Corona and
Victor - Corona or Stephanie (or Stefania or Stephana (from
Greek στέφᾰνος, stéphanos,
"crown," the Greek version of her Latin name, which also means
"crown")[3][4][5] comforted and
encouraged him. Their legend states
that Victor was a Roman soldier
of Italian ancestry, serving in the city of Damascus in Roman Syria. Victor
was beheaded in Damascus in 160 AD.
German cathedral
shines spotlight on little-known St. Corona
May 14, 1948 – Gregorian date: Israel Independence Day (Iyar 5 on
Hebrew calendar)
The Embassy opened
at its Jerusalem location
on May 14, 2018, the
70th Gregorian anniversary of the
creation of the modern State of Israel. The move came 23
years after
the passage of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of October
23, 1995, which set a deadline of May 31, 1999, for the move
Friedman to 'Post': We need to
strengthen Israel-US ties with peace plan
Diplomatic Affairs: Marking two years since the move of the embassy to Jerusalem, David Friedman talks about annexation, the peace process and rapprochement in the Gulf.
MAY 8 - https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/friedman-to-post-we-need-to-strengthen-israel-us-ties-with-peace-plan-627372
Diplomatic Affairs: Marking two years since the move of the embassy to Jerusalem, David Friedman talks about annexation, the peace process and rapprochement in the Gulf.
MAY 8 - https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/friedman-to-post-we-need-to-strengthen-israel-us-ties-with-peace-plan-627372
May 14: day for peoples of all religions to pray, fast and do charitable works to end coronavirus - https://youtu.be/yQT-wX5P3HQ (May 4 video)
Pope Francis announced that May 14 will be a Day of Prayer, Fasting and Charitable Works to end COVID-19. The initiative came from The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, who proposes that everyone, regardless of religion, participate.
Abrahamic Faith Unity – One World Religion
delayed. PM Netanyahu requests a postponement until Sunday due to Likud
rebellion delays Knesset swearing-in - Netanyahu was supposed to announce the
list of his cabinet ministers at 6 p.m. Thursday evening and they were supposed
to be sworn in later at night.
MAY 14,
2020 21:23
Ten Days
Until Netanyahu’s Trial Begins: Everything You Need to Know
State of Israel v. Benjamin Netanyahu’ commences in Jerusalem District Court on
May 24 (probably) – this is how we got there - https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-ten-days-until-netanyahu-s-trial-begins-everything-you-need-to-know-1.8842879
Could Be the Final Blow to the Israel-Jordan Relationship
years ago, the countries signed a peace agreement based on mutual trust. But
anger against Israel’s government is rising among Jordanians.
green, yellow and
red lights for Israel - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave Israel a green
light to continue targeting Iranian forces in Syria; a yellow light to pursue
annexation, albeit with an American request to postpone the move; and a bright
red light when it comes to deals with China.
Weddings!! Israel green-lights
open-air events with up to 50 attendees
The new easing opens the door to
holding weddings and other celebrations, provided that a number of other
regulations, including face masks worn by all attendees, are observed.
The latest figures revealed by the
Health Ministry early on Friday put the number of infections in the country at
16,589 -- an increase of just 10 against the statistics unveiled Thursday
evening. With only 3,736 active cases in the country, Israel's death toll
climbed to 266 earlier in the day.
5331 pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer
drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of
magical-arts, etc.
pharmakeia: the use of
medicine, drugs or spells; magic, sorcery, enchantment.
5:20, Revelation 9:21 (poisoning), Revelation 18:23
lat: secrecy, mystery - bə·lā·ṭê·hem - https://biblehub.com/hebrew/3909.htm
for לָטִים, Exodus
7:22; Exodus 8:18; for לְהָטִים, Exodus 7:11); deceptions and seductions of
kesheph: socery - https://biblehub.com/hebrew/3785.htm
Tomorrow will mark 30
days since we released the White House guidelines for a safe and phased opening
of America. That’s what we’re doing. It’s the opening of
America. We’re going to have an amazing year next year. We’re going
to have a great transition into the fourth quarter.
Through a historic
series of funding bills, my administration is providing roughly $10 billion to
support a medical research effort without parallel. I especially want to
thank Senator Steve Daines of Montana for his incredible work. He has
worked so hard to secure additional funding for vaccine development.
Today I want to update
you on the next stage of this momentous medical initiative. It’s
called Operation Warp Speed. That means big and it means
fast. A massive scientific, industrial, and logistical endeavor
unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project. You
really could say that nobody has seen anything like we’re doing, whether it’s
ventilators or testing. Nobody has seen anything like we’re doing now,
within our country, since the Second World War. Incredible.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vaccine-development -
"14" x 3 = 72
Full Force of US
Military Called Out for Mass Forced Vaccination
~ Stay Silent, Comply,
Obey, Submit - https://youtu.be/RIdjCGPOdXo
Celeste Solum -
"What Christians Need To Pray About Regarding Pathogen Proposals" -
Update 5/13/20 - https://youtu.be/K_ErIOJmpo0
Celeste's notes: https://www.lostartsradio.com/pdf/celeste/Celeste%20Solum%20-%20Dangerous%20Treatment%20Horizon.pdf
short DNA sequence, from a uniform locality on the genome, used for identifying
species #3. Unmasks look-alikes.
Partners: Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL), etc.
- https://phe.rockefeller.edu/barcode
Believe in Jesus and
you shall have eternal life
· Repent
· Call upon God in this time of trouble
· Learn the Bible for verses on perseverance, hope, steadfastness, and all
biblical character traits
· Trust in the Holy Spirit for guidance
· Repent
· Call upon God in this time of trouble
· Learn the Bible for verses on perseverance, hope, steadfastness, and all
biblical character traits
· Trust in the Holy Spirit for guidance
May 15/16
- Parashah #35 Scripture Readings “Naso”
nasa or nasah: to lift, carry, take - https://biblehub.com/str/hebrew/5375.htm
May 15 - Space Force flag
(72 years since flag) / Israel 72 years -35th Knesset
May 16 - Armed Forces Day
May 16 - Armed Forces
Day - https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-armed-forces-day-2020/
President Trump
Participates in the Presentation of the United States Space Force Flag - https://youtu.be/_0S99FJ2at8
Trump unveils Space
Force flag at ceremony, says space is 'the future'
6th branch of the
U.S. military / 72 years / 17 times faster
"I call it the
super duper missile and I heard the other night, 17 times faster that what they
have right now," Trump said in reference to Russia and China's nuclear
weapons at the beginning of the ceremony.
"The delta in the
middle, that's the symbol that space communities use for years and years and
years. The North Star signifies our core value, our guiding light, if you
will," Raymond said. "And the orbit around the globe signifies the
space cape colors that fuel our American way of life."
The Space Force flag marked the first time an official flag for a U.S. military service had been unveiled in 72 years. It was produced by the Defense Logistics Agency's "Flag Room" in Philadelphia, the same operation that designs the president's personal flags.
The Space Force flag marked the first time an official flag for a U.S. military service had been unveiled in 72 years. It was produced by the Defense Logistics Agency's "Flag Room" in Philadelphia, the same operation that designs the president's personal flags.
https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/05/15/trump-unveils-space-force-flag-at-ceremony-says-space-is-the-future/24318166 - Comment: 17
times faster. That’s a (Q)uantum leap in speed.
On Saturday, May 16, some of the
most accomplished actors, athletes, musicians and speakers will virtually
gather for a one-hour prime time television event called “Graduate Together: America Honors the Class of 2020” - https://graduatetogether2020.com - Obama "Commencement Speech"
The special, which will
simultaneously broadcast on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and other social media
platforms, will celebrate the graduating class of 2020.
Some of the names that have already
been confirmed for the ceremony include the 44th president of the United States
Barack Obama, Grammy award-winning musicians Pharrell Williams and H.E.R.,
Grammy award nominees Bad Bunny and the Jonas Brothers, Emmy award-winning
writer and actress Lena Waithe, and James himself. - https://www.silverscreenandroll.com/2020/5/5/21248699/lakers-news-lebron-james-high-school-graduation-barack-obama-graduate-together-2020-special-channel
May 17 – 40 days after Passover (April
7, 2020 +40 days = May 17, 2020)
40 Strong’s Hebrew: "father is king" /40 Strong’s
Greek: hagios - set apart by God, holy, sacred
40 QUARANTINE: from Italian quarantina ‘forty days’, from
quaranta ‘forty’
40 days before May 18, 1980 - 40th Anniversary of Mt. St.
Helen’s Eruption, WA – PNW covered in ash
8th Day after Passover 1980 (Days of Unleavened Bread completed)
May 17
@ 13:00 - Knesset plenum
session - https://main.knesset.gov.il
Jordan’s king warns of
‘massive conflict’ if Israel annexes land in West Bank
Abdullah does not rule out suspending peace deal with the Jewish state, insists two-state solution ‘the only way forward’
Abdullah does not rule out suspending peace deal with the Jewish state, insists two-state solution ‘the only way forward’
Jordan's 'The Last
Dance' documentary: The
curious case of Michael Jordan's fluctuating liquor glass - Sunday premiere
No. 23 himself - 10
part series, Sunday, May 17, 9 p.m. ET -- Episodes 9 and 10 - https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/the-last-dance-michael-jordan-documentary-watch-final-episodes-of-10-part-series-live-stream-tv-schedule/
The Sea of Galilee at
it's FULLEST! - https://youtu.be/-WWtUTwFtq4
May 18 – Masonic lodge (s) in Washington State,
WTC (buildings turned to ash), etc.
The date
May 18 can also be written 18/5. The
number '185' is relevant to the 'World Trade Center'.
September 25, 2016 - 33 58 68 84 93 106 123 166 | Burlington's Masonic Lodge
#93 & the Burlington shooting hoax of September 23, 2016
Lodge laid corner stone on February 22, 1861. Seven years later, on May
10, 1868, a fire burned this Lodge hall and it was replaced with a new
brick building. - https://freemason-wa.org/history-of-washington-freemasonry
May 18,
1980 – 40th Anniversary of Mt. St. Helen’s
Eruption, WA – PNW covered in ash
Historical reviews getting my attention (we lived this history)!
These posts keep reviewing
the WARNING SIGNS before the eruption!!
May 19/20 - Flood -
Evacuation / Edenville Dam
Now Midland City residents west
of Eastman, south of US-10 also need to evacuate. - five inches of
rainfall since Sunday, May 17, as well as 4.22 inches in Bay City and 4.03
inches in Freeland.
May 19/20, 2020 - Ascension of Jesus - 40th day from Resurrection (Acts 1)
Jupiter-Venus Conjunction 3 - https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=3037373419658158&set=pcb.3037381072990726
40 Days - Rainbow - Passover – Resurrection – Ascension of Jesus (Aliyah of Messiah)
May 20 - Israel
Kamakawiwoʻole’s 61st Birthday - “Over the Rainbow”
"Voice of
Hawai'i" (voice of "Place of the Gods") - called
Bruddah Iz or IZ
Ua Mau ke Ea o ka
ʻĀina i ka Pono
(“The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness”)
(“The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness”)
The Doodle is full of
places in Hawai`i that had special significance for Israel: the sunrise
at Diamond Head, Makaha Beach, the Palehua vista, the flowing lava
and volcanic landscape of the Big Island, the black sand beach
at Kalapana, the Wai`anae coast.
Hawaii. from Hawaiian
Hawai'i, from Proto-Polynesian *hawaiki. Said to mean "Place of the
Gods" and be a reference to Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.
The song was
originally recorded in a spur-of-the-moment demo session in 1988. Israel called the recording studio at 3 am, and was given 15 minutes to
arrive by recording engineer Milan Bertosa.
May 21/22, 2020 - Iyar 28 - Fast of
Samuel - 1 Samuel 7:6 / Samuel's death
May 21/22, 2020 - Jerusalem Day (Hebrew: יום ירושלים, Yom
Yerushalayim) is an Israeli national
holiday commemorating the reunification
of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control
over the Old
City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. The day is officially marked by state ceremonies and
memorial services.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_Day - https://blogs.yu.edu/news/jerusalem-1967-jerusalem-2020
May 24 - On Sunday at 3pm, defendant Benjamin
Netanyahu is scheduled to arrive at the District
Court in Jerusalem. For many, it is a moral stain on Israel that its
serving prime minister is facing criminal charges in court. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-netanyahu-in-the-dock-doesn-t-make-israel-a-shining-beacon-of-justice-1.8864563
an indicted Netanyahu put his attorney general on trial
As his corruption trial begins, the PM’s supporters go on the offensive and Avichai Mandelblit finds himself embroiled once more in a decade-old scandal
As his corruption trial begins, the PM’s supporters go on the offensive and Avichai Mandelblit finds himself embroiled once more in a decade-old scandal
will be a scene never witnessed before. On Sunday, a sitting prime minister of
Israel will appear in court to stand trial on charges of bribery, fraud and
breach of trust.
May 25 - Memorial Day USA
May 26-28 – Israel holidays – See Month 3 Torah Calendar dates - end of May
May 26-28 – Israel holidays – See Month 3 Torah Calendar dates - end of May
- Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) - https://torahcalendar.com/Calendar.asp?YM=Y2020M3
- Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day)
May 27 - Two NASA astronauts are
ready to try something completely new: Ride a SpaceX spaceship
NASA is asking people to refrain
from traveling to the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. https://www.space.com/nasa-astronauts-ready-to-ride-spacex-crew-dragon-demo-2.html
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. Romans 5:5
May 28/29, 2020
- Shavuot / Pentecost / 50 / Feast of Weeks
Streets named after dates in Damascus, Syria include: (April 17 Independence Day)
- 7th April, 17th April, 6th May, 29th May - 17 April 1946 - Evacuation Day (Arabic: عيد الجلاء)
May 29 - Atlas
2/2019 Y4 conjunction with the Pleiades
US Embassy in
Jerusalem - The move came 23
years after the passage of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of October
23, 1995, which set a deadline of May 31, 1999, for the move… The Embassy
opened at its Jerusalem location on May
14, 2018,
the 70th Gregorian anniversary of the
creation of the modern State of Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embassy_of_the_United_States,_Jerusalem
Sunday, May 31 - Pentecost Sunday -
mainstream Christianity
Updates throughout the
news with biblical connections:
Ongoing and previous May events:
May 2020 - https://tammyjdub.blogspot.com/2020/05/may-2020-events.html
May 2020 - https://tammyjdub.blogspot.com/2020/05/may-2020-events.html
JUNE 2020
June 6 – Reach
Higher Virtual Commencement Celebration with Michelle Obama
former First Lady Michelle Obama on June 6, 2020, at 3 p.m. ET / 12 p.m. PT
https://www.reachhigher.org/virtual-commencement (collecting an email data base)
June 9 –
ATLAS CERN - https://home.cern/events/atlas
30 JUN/20
- 11:00 - 12:00 (Europe/Zurich) - ALICE
- https://indico.cern.ch/event/900906 996
(Month 4
Day 8/9 - https://torahcalendar.com/Calendar.asp?YM=Y2020M4