How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord.
With my whole being, body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the
living God.
Psalm 84:1-4
Celestial Signs - Genesis 1:14, Psalm 19
Let the assembled peoples encompass You;
take Your seat over
them on high.
Psalm 7:7
7-7 -
It's here! Mercury enters retrograde motion TODAY! Mercury will be in
retrograde motion for the rest of 2019.
July 8- 9
- Moon and Spica
On July 8
and 9, 2019 – as the setting sun closes the curtains on the day, and the
darkening skies bring out a myriad of far-off suns – let the moon introduce you
to a special star. The bright star to the east of the moon on July 8 is none
other than Spica, the sole 1st-magnitude star in the constellation Virgo the
The much
brighter starlike object to the east of Spica (outside the sky chart at the top
of this post) is the giant planet Jupiter. Jupiter, the fifth planet outward
from the sun, shines rather close to Antares, the brightest star in the
constellation Scorpius the Scorpion. Looking ahead, the moon will sweep by
Jupiter (and Antares) from July 12 to 14.
July 11 -
Line!! Not only that, but the Sun
(Bridegroom) will be EXACTLY on the leftmost figure in Gemini (anciently
understood to be a man) and Venus (feminine, Bride) will be EXACTLY over the
rightmost figure (pre-Greek understood to be a woman)!! And BOTH essentially
centered in the constellation that means "United" - right over Sirius, the brightest fixed star in the firmament!!! Beautiful reminders to shine bright for our
Beloved Bridegroom Redeemer – Jesus Christ!!
line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the
world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom
coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race." -
Psalm 19:4-5
July 12
to 14 – the moon will sweep by Jupiter and Antares
Much of Europe, Much
of Asia, Australia, Africa, South/East North America, South America, Pacific,
Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica
7-17 Timeline with images
July 20, 2019 – Celestial Signs Post
We saw Jupiter pass over the Adversary's head
once; then directly point to the right foot (twice; by both standing and
brightness). Then, (in a sense) rear back the right foot for one more kick at
the Adversary's head! Then move to the head, visually stopping for almost two
weeks; then quickly moving away, down over the tail, and away from the
constellation (Jupiter will be completely out of Scorpius by December of this
year). Right now (July-August) is the second (and last) - distinct - celestial
marker time that Jupiter will approach the heart of the Adversary.
I will put enmity between thee [the serpent]
the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel.”
Genesis 3:15
Page 3 - The Garden of Eden & The First Prophecy -
The most important prophecy
and theme of the Bible was given at the very beginning - and will continue
throughout the entire Bible, and history of the world. When mankind sinned, God
promised that He would send a Redeemer; and He gave them word pictures to
remember His promise.
Ophiuchus is considered treading
on the very heart of the scorpion, marked by Antares (wounding).
July 6 - August 14
- Sun, Moon, Venus & Sirus - Brightest Celestial Lights Together!
Overlapping meteor showers could be quite a show in the night sky
The Alpha Capricornids and Delta Aquariid meteor showers are occurring simultaneously, according to the American Meteor Society.
Star light, star bright, our lights will shine in white tonight! #ESBright
July 30-Aug1 -
July 31 – August 1 - This upcoming new moon will bear the name Black Moon, and it’ll be a supermoon.
You won’t see it, though. Like all new moons, it’ll cross the sky with the sun during the day.
The next new moon falls on August 1, 2019, at 03:12 UTC; that is, July 31 at 23:12 p.m. EDT.
What's in the Sky
Mazzaroth - The
Gospel in the Stars << Updated
Fireworks are
beautiful, yet they only last for a moment.
God has set a celestial
show in the sky
that lasts all night
"And God said let there be lights in the firmament of the
to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs,
and for seasons, and days, and years:"
Genesis 1:14
4th Month – Tammuz
– Tending vines
5th Month - July 4 – Av (Ab) 5779 – A month of ripening grapes, figs
& olives
begins after the sighting of the new moon in
Historical events
by Hebrew date:
view -
5th Month - July 4 – Av (Ab)
Rabbinical calendar (leap month added in error)
I Take
Refuge in You
Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; rise up against
the fury of my enemies. Awake, my God, and ordain judgment. Let the assembled
peoples encompass You; take Your seat over them on high. The LORD judges the
peoples; vindicate me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and integrity. Put
an end to the evil of the wicked, but establish the righteous, O righteous God
who searches hearts and minds.
Psalm 7:6-9
June 30 –
East Jerusalem - 2,000 Pilgrimage Road to Temple
Mount opened - Wall torn down
Senior American and Israeli
Officials attend inauguration of Second Temple Period Pilgrimage Road in the
City of David
US Ambassador to Israel Tears Down
Symbolic Wall to Open Pilgrimage Path to Western Wall
PA’s Erekat censures US envoys over
unveiling of ‘fake’ archaeological site
Top Palestinian official says
ancient Jewish pilgrimage road in East Jerusalem is ‘a settlement project’ that
is ‘based on a lie that has nothing to do with history’
What Is
Time Square?
Square is sometimes referred to as "The Crossroads of the
Center of the Universe", "the
heart of The
Great White Way",
"the heart of the world".
(See more at July 13, 2019 NYC - Manhattan blackout)
July 4 - Pope Francis received Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in audience in the Apostolic Palace.
Pope Francis presented Vladimir Putin several gifts with the same theme: peace. One was a medallion commemorating the end of the First World War and another his annual message for peace.
This is the message of peace this year that I signed today for you. He also gave the president his apostolic exhortations on holiness and on young people, as well as the document he signed in Abu Dhabi on dialogue with Muslims. The pope's final gift was a copy of an etching of the Vatican by 18th century Italian artist, Giuseppe Vasi. So you don't forget Rome... - -
July 4 - Putin asks Italy to help restoring ties with EU, meets Pope
ROME (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin asked Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Thursday for help in improving relations between the European Union and Russia and stop sanctions on Moscow.
July 4 –
A 6.4 M earthquake rocks Southern California and beyond
July 4 -
Fourth of July in DC: President Trump spoke at a "Salute to America"
celebration, held at the Lincoln Memorial. President Trump described his Fourth
of July extravaganza on the Mall as the “show of a lifetime!”
July 8 - WA Monument image - D.C. flooding hits
streets, metro stations, White House basement
Alert: Historic Flash Flood Hits DC, Stranding Cars in High Water
led to electrical outages that closed the National Archives Building and
Museum, according to a statement from the National
Archives, which said the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights were safe and not in any danger.
Sides, Same Satanic Coin. 777 Take Heed that No Man Deceive You!
July 4 ritual! 777 Trump -
7/4 Earthquake-7.1. DC Flood Waters. Noe Genesis 7:4-7:11 Dan 7:11 -
Caesar is depicted in this 1698 print sitting on a cloud.
The zodiac sign of Leo is represented above him – the sign that starts in
artist Jacobus Harrewyn made a series of prints based on the months. You can
see the full collection here:
July 5 – Imperial
War Museums London will showcase the
Lion of Mosul replica at its "What Remains" exhibit beginning
Friday. The exhibit explores "why culture and heritage are attacked during
Assyrian lion
destroyed by Isis rises again through latest tech
July 6 2019, 12:01am, The Times
July 6 2019, 12:01am, The Times
The Lion of Mosul in
the British Museum
A stone beast that once guarded a goddess of love and beauty until it was smashed to pieces by Islamic State has been reconstructed through technology and put on display in London.
The Lion of Mosul was recreated in meticulous detail by computer scientists in Britain, drawing data from dozens of amateur photos of the sculpture as it was in the Mosul Museum in Iraq before its ransacking in 2015.
Using a computer program that extrapolates measurements from multiple photos, the researchers created a digital model of the lion, which has been 3D printed in gypsum. After being displayed in the city of Mosul it has come to Britain for the Culture Under Attack exhibition at the Imperial War Museum, where a curator said it…
A stone beast that once guarded a goddess of love and beauty until it was smashed to pieces by Islamic State has been reconstructed through technology and put on display in London.
The Lion of Mosul was recreated in meticulous detail by computer scientists in Britain, drawing data from dozens of amateur photos of the sculpture as it was in the Mosul Museum in Iraq before its ransacking in 2015.
Using a computer program that extrapolates measurements from multiple photos, the researchers created a digital model of the lion, which has been 3D printed in gypsum. After being displayed in the city of Mosul it has come to Britain for the Culture Under Attack exhibition at the Imperial War Museum, where a curator said it…
Google Replicates
'Lion of Mosul' Statue With 3D Printing After ISIS Destroyed the Ancient
A figure of a roaring lion, about the size of a loaf of bread, is the latest step in the fight to preserve culture from conflict.
By Associated Press | Updated: 4 July 2019 16:47 IST
A figure of a roaring lion, about the size of a loaf of bread, is the latest step in the fight to preserve culture from conflict.
By Associated Press | Updated: 4 July 2019 16:47 IST
Culture Under Attack
opens Friday and runs to January 5. Admission is free.
A figure of a roaring
lion, about the size of a loaf of bread, is the latest step in the fight to
preserve culture from conflict.
The sculpture is a replica of a colossal 3,000-year-old statue from the Temple of Ishtar in Nimrud, in what's now Iraq. The stone statue was one of many artifacts from the Mosul Museum destroyed by the Islamic State group after it overran the city in 2014.
The replica Lion of Mosul, which can be viewed online , was modelled from crowd-sourced photos taken by Mosul Museum visitors in happier times and 3D printed as part of Google's digital arts and culture project. sculpture is a replica of a colossal 3,000-year-old statue from the Temple of Ishtar in Nimrud, in what's now Iraq. The stone statue was one of many artifacts from the Mosul Museum destroyed by the Islamic State group after it overran the city in 2014.
The replica Lion of Mosul, which can be viewed online , was modelled from crowd-sourced photos taken by Mosul Museum visitors in happier times and 3D printed as part of Google's digital arts and culture project.
July 5 - APOLLO 11 makes its world premiere on July 5th live in the LUNAR DOME
July 6 –
A 7.1 quake rocked Southern California Friday evening. The quake struck at 8:21
p.m. and was centered in the same location as Thursday’s. 6.4. Largest Southern
California quake in 20 years.
7-7 -
Ringo Starr's 11th ‘Peace and Love’ birthday
gathering draws rock-star pals, fans
7-7 - On
the seventh day of the seventh month, two mythical lovers—represented by the stars Altair and Vega—find a way to
come together once a year, against all odds. Today’s Doodle celebrates
Tanabata, also known in Japan as the “Star
Festival.” Their separation by a
mighty river, represented by the Milky Way, and eventual reunion is a timeless
tale. - shown only in Japan
World Cup: Record-breaking numbers
July 8, 2019
- Today, the games culminated at the Parc Olympique Lyonnais in
Décines-Charpieu, a suburb of Lyon,
Celebrating Women's World Cup 2019 Champions: the United States of America
Celebrating Women's World Cup 2019 Champions: the United States of America
Celebrating Women's
World Cup 2019 Runner Up: Netherlands
Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end;
but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the
hearts and reins.
Psalm 7:9
The world is gearing
up for the largest annual gathering to evaluate global efforts to achieve
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
July 10-28 event - Bohemian Club
The Bohemian Club has
been around for 150 years in San Francisco, made up of rich and powerful men.
Every summer, they go to a fancy campground called the Bohemian Grove, a few
hours north of San Francisco. Nestled amongst the redwoods, they drink
cocktails, put on plays to entertain each other, and network. Notable attendees
have included Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, and the Koch
brothers. This annual retreat usually keeps a low profile, but not
all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders
the four beasts, and
before the throne on their faces,
worshipped God.
Revelation 7:11
July 12/13 – The 9th of Av, or Tisha B'Av
literally means "the ninth (day) of Av" in Hebrew
2018 - July 23 - Ancient boulder dislodges from
Western Wall, crashes down near woman at prayer.
Stone’s Cry Out – (see more on this
But some of the Pharisees
in the crowd said to Him,
“Teacher, rebuke Your
“I tell you, He
answered, “if they remain silent,
the very stones will
cry out.”
As Jesus approached
Jerusalem and saw the city,
He wept over it and
“If only you had known
on this day what would bring you peace!
But now it is hidden
from your eyes.
Luke 19:39-42
The Triumphal Entry -
Stones cry out!! - more events
9th / 10th of Av events - Jerusalem / Elijah - 5th Month of Av
7-13 - MONTANA - 4.0 earthquake recorded near Manhattan Saturday night
- 4.0m @ Manhattan, MT
- ‘Manhattanhenge’
lights up New York City streets
– 4 days a year
modern-day version of Stonehenge
No power on the west side of Times Square.
Giant electronic billboards in Times Square went dark.
Very dark here at 30 Rock, but we’re safe.
1863 – New
York City draft riots:
In New York City, opponents of conscription begin
three days of rioting which will be later regarded as the worst
in United
States history.
JULY 13 1895 had a big tornado outbreak in NNJ/Woodhaven ...
13th 1895 had a big tornado outbreak that started in
Cherry Hill NJ.(which is now Hackensack)that completely destroyed
homes there.ANother tornado touched down in Woodhaven
Queens and went over Jamaica Bay as a waterspout.Several homes and
businesses were leveled and a cow was sucked into the funnel and was
never found. [Noted in the weather section of our local paper.]
More amazing synchronicity !!!!!
- "It
was 36 years before 9/11" (quote
from article)
'The night the lights went out': vintage newsreel of 1965 blackout in New York – video
"Glittering Gotham - the Great White Way ablaze"
York was still a dark, powerless city as the clock crept into a new
Square is sometimes referred to as "The Crossroads of the
Center of the Universe", "the
heart of The
Great White Way",
"the heart of the world".
village’s name derived from Old English “gat” –meaning
“goat”– and ham –“home”. So the name “Gotham”
literally means the “homestead where goats are kept.”
How Broadway got the nickname ‘The Great White Way’ in 1880 -
Where Were You When the Lights Went Out? (1968) – NYC 1965 event / movie -
date: June 19, 1968
- Doris Day dies at 97 - Born: April 3,
1922, Cincinnati,
OH - "Que Sera Sera" ("Whatever Will Be,
Will Be") from Alfred Hitchcock's 1956 film "The Man Who
Knew Too Much."
Valley, California, home. "Sentimental Journey."
"Young Man with a Horn." "Secret Love" "Lover
Come Back" (1961) "Midnight Lace,"1960.
Doris Day
* Merv Griffin * 2017 Storm Doris in UK / Europe
west coasts are getting battered!! Pacific & Atlantic
storms at the time.
one of his nightclub performances, Griffin
was discovered by Doris Day. Day
arranged for a screen
test at
the Warner
Bros. Studios
for a role in By
the Light of the Silvery Moon. Griffin
did not get the part, but the screen test led to supporting roles in
other musical films such as So
This Is Love in
1953.[11] The
film caused a minor controversy when Griffin shared an open
mouthed kiss with Kathryn
The kiss was a first in Hollywood film history since the introduction
of the Production
Code in
GRIFFIN BIOGRAPHY - The Doris Day Forum - The
Films of Doris Day - Also Griffin
/ Griffith Observatory
Doris means
Gift. In Greek mythology, the daughter of Oceanus and mother
of the sea-nymph Nereids; also the name of a district of Greece.
[Note mulitple earthquakes in Greece 7-13/14-2019]
- Taylor - Weaver - Twins - Seattle
all wearing #45 jerseys!
The Los
Angeles Angels scored
seven first-inning runs [7/1] Friday night. They finished
with 13.
Tyler Skaggs' birthday is on the 13th day of the seventh month, which
just so happens to be Saturday.
13, 1991,
the day Skaggs was born.
[9] died in his hotel room in Texas 11
July 14 - Hurricane Barry in LA
July 14 –
Bastille Day - The parade starts at the Arc de Triomphe and ends on the Place
de la Concorde.
July 15 -
- 484 BC – Dedication of the Temple of Castor and Pollux in ancient Rome
- AD 70 – Titus and his armies breach the walls of Jerusalem. (17th of Tammuz in the Hebrew calendar).
- 1838 – Ralph Waldo Emerson delivers the Divinity School Address at Harvard Divinity School, discounting Biblical miracles and declaring Jesus a great man, but not God. The Protestant community reacts with outrage.
- 1916 – In Seattle, Washington, William Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt incorporate Pacific Aero Products (later renamed Boeing).
- 1975 – Space Race: Apollo–Soyuz Test Project features the dual launch of an Apollo spacecraft and a Soyuz spacecraft on the first joint Soviet-United States human-crewed flight. It was both the last launch of an Apollo spacecraft, and the Saturn family of rockets.
July 16, 1969 - 50th
anniversary Apollo 11 launch date. Landing on the moon on July 20
July 17 - A full-scale Saturn V rocket projected on the Washington Monument (see twitter image)
About last night.
Our @airandspace has projected a full-scale, 363 foot tall Saturn V rocket on the Washington Monument.
See it tonight from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m., with the full #GoForTheMoon show Friday and Saturday: #Apollo50

July 17 - “Apollo 11 — The Immersive Live Show” - The Lunar Dome - Rose Bowl - Pasadena
Nick Grace's production officially opens Wednesday. ‘Apollo 11’ live show brings the moon landing to life in Pasadena
July 5 - APOLLO 11 makes its world premiere on July 5th live in the LUNAR DOME
July 19 - “The Lion King” roars into
theaters on July 19, 2019.
The Lion King Sneak
Peek | "Come Home"
- Published on Jun 3, 2019 - Walt Disney Studios
July 20, 1969 - 50th anniversary Apollo 11 “The Eagle has
7-20 - at 9 and 11 PM - CNN moon landing special
July 22 - Christopher Columbus Kraft, NASA's first flight director who helped build Apollo, dies at 95
July 29, 1921 - incorporation of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
7-21 - Japan Election Day / Belgium National Day -
July 21, 1939 - Sutton Hoo 80th Anniversary - a monumental date
for the excavation of the Great Ship Burial but really it was only the beginning of the story..
And the final exciting piece
discovered #OTD in 1939... the
magnificent sceptre #SuttonHoo80 @britishmuseum
For ever, for everyone
July 22 - Christopher Columbus Kraft, NASA's first flight director who helped build Apollo, dies at 95
Chris Kraft scared the hell out of me — in all the right ways, yes, but still. During the Apollo program, Kraft, who died at age 95 on July 22, was NASA’s director of flight operations, and later ran the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
“No one can overrule me. ... They can fire me after it’s over. But while the mission is under way, I’m Flight. And Flight is God.”
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine Monday called Kraft “a national treasure,” saying “We stand on his shoulders as we reach deeper into the solar system, and he will always be with us on those journeys.” Kraft, the creator and longtime leader of NASA’s Mission Control, died Monday in Houston, just two days after the 50th anniversary of what was his and NASA’s crowning achievement: Apollo 11′s moon landing. He was 95.
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine Monday called Kraft “a national treasure,” saying “We stand on his shoulders as we reach deeper into the solar system, and he will always be with us on those journeys.” Kraft, the creator and longtime leader of NASA’s Mission Control, died Monday in Houston, just two days after the 50th anniversary of what was his and NASA’s crowning achievement: Apollo 11′s moon landing. He was 95.
Kraft became known as “the father of Mission Control” and in 2011 NASA returned the favor by naming the Houston building that houses the nerve center after Kraft.
– Christopher Kraft, a key architect behind several early NASA programs and the agency's first flight director, has died at 95, according to a statement released Monday.
Kraft played a significant role in the precursors to the Apollo moon missions, known as Mercury and Gemini.
Kraft played a significant role in the precursors to the Apollo moon missions, known as Mercury and Gemini.
Kraft's passing comes as the agency, institutions and people across the country celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11's landing on the moon, which occurred at 4:17 p.m. July 20, 1969.
Roots of an explorer
Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr. was born in Phoebus, Va., now part of the city of Hampton, on Feb. 28, 1924. His German immigrant grandparents had bestowed the ocean-crossing explorer’s name on his father because he was born in New York City on the dedication day for Columbus Circle in 1892.
Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr. was born in Phoebus, Va., now part of the city of Hampton, on Feb. 28, 1924. His German immigrant grandparents had bestowed the ocean-crossing explorer’s name on his father because he was born in New York City on the dedication day for Columbus Circle in 1892.
As a geographic center
Columbus Circle is the traditional municipal zero-mile point from which all official distances are measured, although Google Maps uses New York City Hall for this purpose. For decades, Hagstrom sold maps that showed the areas within 25 miles (40 km) or 75 miles (121 km) from Columbus Circle.
The same circle coincidentally defines the city's "film zone" that local unions operate in, a counterpart to Los Angeles' studio zone
The studio zone was formally first established in 1934
In the American entertainment industry, the studio zone, also known as the thirty-mile zone (TMZ), ... 30-mile (48 km) radius from the intersection of West Beverly Boulevard and North La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles, California
1969 - Apollo 11 & Trump Tower
The Trump International Hotel and Tower is a high-rise building, located at 1 Central Park West on Columbus Circle between Broadway and Central Park West, in Manhattan, New York City. The building is 583 feet (177.6 m) tall.[1] It was formerly owned by the General Electric Pension Trust
The building was originally the Gulf and Western Building, designed by Thomas E. Stanley and built in 1969 or 1970.
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII ~ William Shakespeare
Christopher Columbus Circle - Rostral Columns * 1969 Trump Tower * Victory Rome - Greece * St Petersburg * Studio Zone - TMZ 30 mile
Rostra, the raised platforms in ancient Rome, also adorned with the beaks of captured warships, from which orations and pleadings were delivered
The emperor behind the Palmyra Arch
Septimius Severus (/səˈvɪərəs/; Latin: Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus; 11 April 145 – 4 February 211 - (aged 65) Eboracum (today York , England) -
also known as Severus, was Roman emperor from 193 to 211. He was born in Leptis Magna in the Roman province of Africa. (LIBYA)
Part 3 – Sept. 2018 – D.C., Columbus, Illinois and Roman Emperor Septimius Severus
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:
but we will remember the name of the Lord our
Psalm 20:7
Current news with biblical connections:
– The 9th
of Av, or Tisha B'Av literally means "the ninth (day) of Av" in
And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the
kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of
the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall
serve and obey him.
Daniel 7:27
The Way of Light