Almost three years to
the day from the Arch’s debut in London!
Replica of Palmyra’s
Triumphal Arch displayed April 12-27, 2019
at The
Palace of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland – It served as the headquarters of the League
of Nations and is the current home of the United Nations Office at Geneva
The ceiling of the
United Nations Palace of nations building. Geneva
April 2019 – Palmyra, Syria objects on display in UN cities:
The Met in NYC and Palace of Nations in Geneva
The office of the United Nations in
Geneva is the European headquarters of the UN, the other headquarters
being in New York. The building complex, called the Palais des Nations,
houses the UN Human Rights Council as well as the UN Office of the High
Commissioner on Human Rights, among other agencies.
Selected Highlights of the Director-General's
activities - 8 - 14 April 2019
12 APRIL 2019
The Director-General attends
the reproduction of the Arch of Palmyra at the Place des Nations, an event
organized by the Institute of Digital Archaeology of London and the Permanent
Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations Office and other international
organizations in Geneva.
Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva. Working for
peace, rights and well-being together with all International Geneva.
Please join us under the arch on the historic Place des Nations ...
grand unveiling is this Friday April 12 at 10AM.
The replica of #Palmyra Triumphal Arch in
#Geneva for the unique @UNESCO Conference on #CulturalHeritage
protection ! #Switzerland
is proud to underline its commitment to #peacebuilding
& cultural protection.
A copy of the historical #Palmyra Triumphal Arch
was uncovered at the Place des Nations in front of @UNGeneva this morning. The Arch is on
display on the occasion of a @UNESCO
conference on protecting #WorldHeritage.
(unveiling video)
L'arc de
Palmyre se dresse sur la place des Nations, à Genève (VIDEO & AUDIO)
accueille une réplique de l’Arc de Palmyre (AUDIO)
display with Broken Chair
monumental sculpture and fountain across the street from the Palace of
Nations, in Geneva.

Place des Nations,
Geneva, Switzerland
Commemorating 20 years
of the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention
April 12 - 27, 2019
Protecting Humanity’s
Fragile Heritage
2019 marks 90
years since the first stone was laid at the Palais des Nations, home to @UNGeneva. The trowel used during that
official ceremony was recently found in archives.
More history here:
Since its unveiling on
London’s Trafalgar Square in April 2016, the Arch has been on public display
around the world. The structure is a symbol of the triumph of cooperation over
conflict, optimism over despair, and human ingenuity over senseless
On 25th and
26th April, with the support of the Government of Switzerland, UNESCO
is organising one of the most important conferences of 2019 on the subject of
cultural heritage protection, “Protecting Cultural Property: International
Conference on the 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Second Protocol to the 1954
Hague Convention”.
A first-of-its-kind
meeting, the UNESCO conference will bring together State representatives,
stakeholders, and international experts to reflect on the achievements of the
Second Protocol to the 1954 Convention — a key landmark in international
humanitarian and cultural protection policy.
Switzerland and Geneva
are proud to underline their commitment to peacebuilding and cultural
protection through the support of these initiatives.
Protecting Cultural
Hague Convention
25-26 April 2019 - Geneva,
17:30 – 20:30 Reception (Sponsored by the Government
of Switzerland)
Inauguration ceremony of
the Triumph Arc of Palmyra
at the Place des
- First day of Iyar / Ziv (2nd
Month) – Hebrew Calendar (no Adar II added)
Historical time of
Temple foundation stone laid (1 Kings 6:1, 37)
- Torah
Calendar (Omer day 16) (one day off due to new moon not sighted)
- 3 Nissan on Rabbinical calendar
5 Iyar (1948) – (4-10-19) Proclamation of the State of Israel on
Friday, 14 May 1948, before sunset.
7 Iyar (498 BCE) – (4-12-19) Jerusalem's rebuilt walls are
dedicated, nearly 88 years after their destruction by Nebuchadnezzar.
April 9, 2019 Israel
elections (upcoming Israel Peace Plan)
April 19-21, 2016 -
London, UK – Trafalgar Square - Passover
Palmyra Arch replica
displayed during Biblical Feast Days:
Arch event coinciding with Israel history: Temple * Independence * Passover!!!!
Historical dates:
April 7,
1967 Israeli/Syrian border fights
April 17,
1946 Syria declares independence from French administration - Evacuation Day
(Arabic: عيد الجلاء)
April 11, 1919 - Geneva chosen as the
location for the League of Nations.
at Geneva Angers Belgians," New-York Tribune (New
York, NY), April 12, 1919,
Page 1, Image 1, col. 8.
April 18, 1919 - The Peace Conference
unanimously adopts the draft Covenant on the motion of President Wilson of the
United States of America.
This latest display continues the inclination of
unveiling the arch during Biblical Feast Days with the exhibit in April during
the Passover season on the traditional Jewish calendar of the month of Nissan.
Palmyra Arch replica
displayed during Biblical Feast Days and celestial events:
London, UK – Passover – April 19-21, 2016
Manhattan/NYC – Feast of Tabernacles/Succoth – September 19-23, 2016
Dubai, UAE – 2 days after Penumbral Lunar Eclipse - February 12-14, 2017
Florence, Italy
– Through Passover - March 27-April 27, 2017
Arona, Italy – Through Pentecost – April 29-July 30 – extended to
Sept 30, 2017
Washington, D.C.
– Feast of
Tabernacles/Succoth – September
26—30, 2018
London, UK – Feast of
Dedication/Hanukkah – Dec.1, 2018 (Dec.
2-10, 2018 Hanukkah)
Geneva, Switzerland - Through Passover & Days of Unleavened Bread – April 12-27, 2019
Palais des Nations
The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) is the second largest United Nations centre after the United Nations Headquarters in New York. UNOG is housed in the Palais des Nations, an outstanding testimony to twentieth century architecture, situated in a beautiful park in Geneva overlooking Lake Geneva, with a splendid view of the Alps and, on a clear day, the Mont Blanc.
Please join us under the arch on the historic Place des
Nations from 12-25 April, grand unveiling is this Friday April 12 at 10AM. With
@Amuzaini01, @ahodgers, @sami_kanaan, and Dr. Alexy Karenowska.
Proud to be working with #Switzerland , @GE_chancellerie, @VilleDeGeneve and @UNESCO_ch to raise awareness of the
unique value of cultural heritage -- tangible and intangible. #ArchinGeneva
Palace of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
It served as the headquarters of the
It served as the headquarters of the
The Palace is located in Ariana
Park, which was bequeathed to the City of Geneva in 1890. The park also
contains a 1668 chalet.
The League of Nations, abbreviated
as LN or LoN, (French: La Société des Nations, meaning "Society of
Nations") was an intergovernmental organisation founded on 10 January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended
the First
World War. It was the first worldwide intergovernmental
organisation whose principal mission was to maintain world peace.
The League oversaw the Permanent
Court of International Justice and several other agencies and commissions
created to deal with pressing international problems. These included the
Disarmament Commission, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Mandates Commission, the International
Commission on Intellectual Cooperation[76] (precursor to UNESCO),
the Permanent Central Opium Board, the Commission for Refugees, and the Slavery
Commission.[77] Three of these institutions were
transferred to the United Nations after the Second World War: the International
Labour Organization, the Permanent Court of International
Justice (as the International Court of Justice), and
the Health Organisation[78] (restructured as the World Health Organization).[79]
The Permanent Court of International Justice was provided for by
the Covenant, but not established by it. The Council and the Assembly
established its constitution. Its judges were elected by the Council and the
Assembly, and its budget was provided by the latter. The Court was to hear and
decide any international dispute which the parties concerned submitted to it.
It might also give an advisory opinion on any dispute or question referred to
it by the Council or the Assembly. The Court was open to all the nations of the
world under certain broad conditions.[80]
The International Labour Organization was created in 1919 on the basis of Part XIII of the
Treaty of Versailles.[81] The ILO, although having the same
members as the League and being subject to the budget control of the Assembly,
was an autonomous organisation with its own Governing Body, its own General
Conference and its own Secretariat. Its constitution differed from that of the
League: representation had been accorded not only to governments but also to
representatives of employers' and workers' organisations.
The Peace Conference adopted
the principle that these territories should be administered by different governments
on behalf of the League – a system of national responsibility subject to
international supervision.[105] This plan, defined as the mandate system, was adopted by
the "Council of Ten" (the
heads of government and foreign ministers of the main Allied powers: Britain,
France, the United States, Italy, and Japan) on 30 January 1919 and transmitted
to the League of Nations
Beneath the Palace's foundation stone is a time capsule containing a document
listing the names of the League of Nations member states, a copy of the Covenant
of the League, and specimen coins of all the countries represented
at the league's Tenth Assembly. A medal showing the Palace of Nations with
the Jura Mountains in
the background was struck in silvered bronze.[6]
The building overlooks Lake Geneva and has a clear view of
the French Alps.
The Celestial Sphere
Woodrow Wilson Memorial, Ariana Park, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
It was donated in 1939 by the Woodrow
Wilson Foundation to
what was then the League of Nations building. Known also as the Woodrow
Wilson Memorial Sphere of the Palais des Nations it is today a symbol
of Geneva International and of Geneva as the centre of dialogue and peace.
The #CelestialSphere
at @UNGeneva is a worldwide
symbol of International Geneva and of #multilateralism. Its restoration is slated to
begin this year. Find out more here:
. #100Geneva
"The Rebirth" - a sculpture for the United Nations by
Michelangelo Pistoletto - UN
Geneva - Published on Oct 8, 2015
The renowned artist Maestro Michelangelo Pistoletto has
created a sculpture for the 70th anniversary of the United Nations called
"The Rebirth".
The sculpture
contains 193 marble stones, each representing one of the 193 UN Member States,
and will be located at UN Geneva. Its shape is a configuration of the
mathematical sign for 'infinity'.
Symbolizing the ‘rebirth’ of society, and a new world, the Rebirth sends a
strong global message of our shared commitment to peace, rights and well-being
for all as the United Nations enters its seventieth year.
"The stones represent rebirth, unity, the act of
uniting - the United Nations" - in this short video Pistoletto explains
his artistic inspiration and you can glimpse behind the scenes at his workshop
Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto.
Rebirth will be unveiled on Saturday 24 October, the UN's
70th anniversary, as part of a grand Open Day of UN Geneva's office the Palais
des Nations. Everyone is invited to this public event - you can find all the
info here: .
Note: marble stones
from Carrara, Italy
Part 2 – Timeline
review – Palmyra, Carrara, Italy, Marble, Florence, Arona, Insights
By Martin Grandjean - Strictly based on a flag kept by the
League of Nations Archives (United Nations Geneva)., CC BY-SA 4.0,
April 18, 1919 - The Peace Conference unanimously adopts the draft Covenant on the
motion of President Wilson of the United States of America.
Art and Sculptures at UNCOG
Broken Chair Sculpture
Fresco of peace, a
huge ceramic mosaic created by Swiss artist Hans Erni at 100 years
Other Events at Place des Nations
April 7 @ Place des Nations, 1202, Genebra
Rallies in Brazil and the World - Mark
one Year Since Political Imprisonment of Lula
will take place in 16 countries to demand freedom for Brazil’s ex-president.
Tribune de Genève-7 hours ago
Il est situé aux
abords de la place des Nations et a été inauguré ce ... Cette
même association est à l'origine du choix de ce mémorial et de sa ...
"So What" about
Sustaining Peace & Sustainable Development? What are the
interlinkages between these global agendas? Recap of this week's talk &
video now available
In #Geneva
this Friday? Come & join hands 

to form a Solidarity
Chain! The idea is that people from all over the 

come together to make
universal #health
coverage a reality.
Join us for this free
& fun event on 5 April, noon at Place des Nations!

We invite everyone to express their support for #HealthForAll
by signing up to join @WHO's Solidarity
Chain, happening on 5 April 2019 from 12:00 to 14:00. The Chain
will run from WHO's doors to Place des Nations in front of
@UNGeneva. Register here:
49th Session of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations
Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture - Surviving Torture and Fighting Stigma:
The road to recovery for victims of sexual and gender-based torture. Took place
3 – 4 April 2019, Palais des Nations, Geneva
First inter-sessional seminar on prevention of human
rights violations by the HumanRights Council will take place at the Palais des Nations Room XVI on 9 & 10 April. See:
intersessional seminar, 9-10 April 2019, Geneva, Palais des Nations, room XVI
demonstrate at a rally in solidarity with the Sudanese population in struggle,
at the Place des Nations in front of
the European headquarters of the United Nations, in Geneva.
5, 2019 -
Jewish Groups Gather in Geneva, Protest 7 Anti-Israel UNHRC
March 18, 2019 , 3:23
Jewish and pro-Israel
groups are rallying in Geneva, outside the United Nations Human Rights Council
(UNHRC), to protest an entire day – today – given over to multiple resolutions
against Israel.
The rally, which is meeting
at the Place des Nations facing the UNHRC building, has been entitled ‘Enough is Enough’ and is
aimed at calling out the United Nations’ obsession with demonizing the Jewish
state …
Ahead of the
anniversary of the March of Return
demonstrations, UN war crime investigators tell Human Rights Council that
lethal force used by IDF against Palestinians during border riots is
'authorized unlawfully in majority of cases',7340,L-5480911,00.html (rally images)
Switzerland – World Headquarters for Many Organizations
- World Intellectual Property Organization.
- Many more
Geneva is the European headquarters of the United Nations, in the Palace of
Nations building, which was also the headquarters of the former
League of Nations. Several agencies are headquartered at Geneva, including
the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees, the UN Office of the
High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organization , International Telecommunication Union,
the International Baccalaureate
Organization and the World Intellectual Property
Apart from the UN agencies, Geneva hosts many inter-governmental organizations, such as
the World Trade Organization, the World Meteorological Organization,
the World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Migration,
the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and
the International Committee of the Red
The Maison de la
Paix building hosts the three Geneva centres supported by the
Swiss Confederation: the International
Centre for Humanitarian Demining, the Centre for the
Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy,
was formed on 14 July 1967; 51
years ago - was formally created by the Convention
Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, which entered into force on 26 April 1970.
Organizations on the European level include
the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and CERN (the
European Organization for Nuclear Research) which is the world's largest particle physics laboratory. CERN
is an official United Nations Observer. CERN is also the birthplace of
the World Wide Web. On 30 April
1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone.
The first ramp to the record-breaking energy of
6.5 TeV was performed on 10 April 2015
2 APRIL, 2019 - Celebrating
40 years of physics at CERN’s North Area
8 APRIL, 2019 - CERN
unveils its Science Gateway project
10 APRIL, 2019 – Read
more about the changes to the ALICE experiment as part of
During the long
shutdown of CERN’s accelerators, the ALICE experiment at the LHC is removing
and refurbishing or replacing the majority of its detectors
plant a seed of peace in the Middle East / Jordan
In One Thousand and One Nights, ‘open sesame’ are the magic
words that allow Ali Baba to access a hidden treasure of untold riches. In the
1990s this classic tale inspired physicists at the European Organization for
Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva to ask whether the CERN model of science and
peace could be replicated in the Middle East. It took years of hard work and
complex negotiations to bring the dream to life. The new centre is called
Building a culture of peace …
At the European Cultural Conference in Lausanne in 1949, de Rougemont had first
proposed the idea of establishing what came to be known as CERN
Al Balqa, Jordan
The Synchrotron-Light for Experimental
Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) is an independent laboratory located in Allan in the Balqagovernorate of Jordan, created under the auspices of UNESCO on 30 May 2002.
The laboratory was inaugurated on 16 May 2017
under the patronage and presence of King Abdullah II.[2] Middle Eastern Particle Accelerator's Motto is "Science for Peace"
NOVA Next-Jun 21, 2018
Jordan's Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East, Sesame for short, is the first of its kind in the region.
The Lausanne Conference of 1949 was convened by the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) from 27 April to 12 September 1949 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Representatives of Israel, the Arab states Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, and the Arab Higher Committee and a number of refugee delegations were in attendance to resolve disputes arising from the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, mainly about refugees and territories in connection with Resolution 194 and Resolution 181.
Time Machine 2018 will take place on October 30-31, 2018 at the Swiss Tech Convention Center in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Upcoming conferences in Lausanne
The World between Empires:
Art and Identity in the Ancient Middle East
at The Met - Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
“The World Between
Empires” at the Metropolitan Museum
in New York: Visitors stand in front of an antique stone bust of Bat’a,
daughter of Moqim, (granddaughter of) Malku from Palmyra, which, according to
expert estimates, was created in the late 2nd or early 3rd century.
he New York Metropolitan Museum’s “The World Between
Empires” will feature around 190 antique sculptures, murals, pieces of
jewellery and other objects from the Middle East from Monday to June 23.
On the one hand, the exhibition deals with culture, religion
and trade in antiquity, but on the other it also raises “complex questions
about the preservation of cultural heritage,” says museum director Max Hollein.
The New York Metropolitan Museum at Central Park in
Manhattan is one of the most renowned and most visited museums in the world.
Watch a preview of the exhibition The World between Empires: Art and Identity in the Ancient Middle East, on view at The Met Fifth Avenue from March 18 through June 23, 2019. Zainab Bahrani, Edith Porada Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology, Columbia University. - Published on Feb 13, 2019
Conversations on the Destruction of
Cultural Heritage in Iraq and Syria
In this
video, produced as an installation for The World between Empires: Art and
Identity in the Ancient Middle East, three leading archaeologists examine the
impact of the destruction of cultural heritage during recent conflicts in Iraq
and Syria, and discuss current and potential responses. -
Published on Mar 22, 2019
- Images, video, audio guide
The catalogue is made
possible by The Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation.
April 3 -
70th anniversary of NATO Ceremony – Washington, D.C. at Mellon Auditorium
April 4, 1949 - The North Atlantic Treaty
was signed at the Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C.
of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, who oversaw the development of the Federal
Triangle construction project and plans for the Departmental Auditorium in D.C.
William Mellon (March 24, 1855 – August 26, 1937), sometimes A.W.,
was an American banker, businessman, industrialist,
philanthropist, art collector, and politician. From the wealthy Mellon family
of Pittsburgh,
He served as United States Secretary of the
Treasury from March 9, 1921, to February 12, 1932, presiding over
the boom years of the 1920s and the Wall Street crash of 1929.
April 9, 1932 – March 17, 1933 – US Ambassador to UK under presidents Hoover and Roosevelt
Palmyra: Loss and Remembrance - April 18, 2018 - May 27, 2019
Getty Villa Museum - Bel-Air, Los Angeles (exhibit still ongoing)
Another related artwork from Syria:
March 28, 2018 (1 year ago) - The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist at Fourth Plinth
at Trafalgar Square, London
March 28, 2018 (1 year ago) - The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist at Fourth Plinth
at Trafalgar Square, London
This winged bull and protective deity guarded the entrance to Nergal Gate of Nineveh.
The Lamassu will be there until March 2020.
What's Coming Next: Fourth Plinth 2020
'THE END is the cherry on the cream. And, on top of the cherry and the cream, the parasites.'
(Site of April 19, 2016 Palmyra Arch display at Passover)
7-10-19 Trafalgar / Whitechapel - The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist
Michael Rakowitz’s work makes the invisible visible – whether it’s the victims of war or those made homeless by the economic downturn.
By Cameron Laux 10 July 2019
By Cameron Laux 10 July 2019
Michael Rakowitz in front of The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist (Northwest palace of Nimrud, Room N), 2018
Michael Rakowitz is a connoisseur of ghosts. He is also a teacher, a stone carver, a radio broadcaster, a chef. His work often refers in various ways to things and people that are dead, gone, lost, or on their way out.
Speaking of (g)hosting, in 2011 he acquired on eBay china dinner plates looted from Saddam Hussein’s palace in Iraq during the war that began in 2003, and mounted a ‘culinary performance’ he called Spoils in conjunction with the Manhattan restaurant Park Avenue Autumn.
Ghosts in the machine / "tower of Babel" art
Michael Rakowitz is at the Whitechapel Gallery in London until 25 August 2019.
Syria: Damascus
displays replica of destroyed Palmyra altar
Tuesday 23 April 2019
A replica of a worship
niche belonging to the 2,000-year-old
Temple of Bel at Palmyra was displayed in the National Museum of Damascus
on Tuesday.
Using 3D imaging and
stonework, an Italian team reconstructed the altar after it was destroyed by
the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) during seize of Palmyra back in
"We are honoured
that Syria accepted this gift which we made out of friendship for your country,"
said Frances Pinnock of the Sapienza University of Rome who had headed the
reconstruction team.
"We hope …
Palmyra will become again the bride of the desert," she added.
The National Museum of
Damascus is further adorned by 2nd-century murals, elaborate tombs, and the
recently restored Lion of al-Lat,
which originally stood guard at the
National Museum of Palmyra but was whisked away to Damascus for
Temple of Bel Ceiling 3D Replica
It was placed in
Damascus around the same time the Arch of Triumph from Palmyra was placed in
Geneva. Before it went on public display it was actually in Brussels and the
UNESCO in Paris.
UN, Rome - Nov 29-Dec 1, 2017 - Temple of Bel ceiling - Palmyra,
Rising from Destruction
Arch of Baal in Geneva (CERN) Altar in Damascus! May 14 DC 9:11 Sun
ISIS has plans to retake Palmyra from Syrian Army
By News Desk
P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terrorist group is allegedly
planning an offensive to retake the ancient city of Palmyra in the eastern
countryside of the Homs Governorate.
A source from the
Syrian Army in eastern Homs said they have discovered an Islamic State plot to
not only retake land in central Syria, but also recapture the key city of
Palmyra in the process.
5 May 2016 - Russia's Valery Gergiev conducts concert
in Palmyra ruins
By organising a concert in the ruins of Palmyra, Russia wants the world
to see that it is making a positive contribution in Syria: bringing peace and
stability to the country, and, in the case of Palmyra, saving a UNESCO heritage
Moscow will be hoping that images of its classical musicians in Syria
will reinforce the message that Russia is a force for good.
Historical information and prior events
surround the Palmyra Triumphal Arch:
Arch of Triumph of
Palmyra, Syria – Tammy’s Blogs
Part 1 – April 2016
– Sept 30, 2017 – London, Manhattan, Dubai, Florence, Arona
Part 2 – Timeline
review – Palmyra, Carrara, Italy, Marble, Florence, Arona, Insights
Part 3 – Sept. 2018 – D.C., Columbus, Illinois
and Roman Emperor Septimius Severus
Part 4 - Oct.-Nov., 2018 – The Hague, The
Netherlands, International Court, Syrian Heritage
Part 5 – Dec.1, 2018 – London's Victoria &
Albert Museum Cast Court Exhibit
Part 6 – April 2019 – Palace of Nations, UNCOG Geneva , Switzerland
Part 7 – June 2019 – 70th anniversary of UNESCO - Bern, Switzerland
Part 8 – Dec (12) 16, 2019 – Feb 24, 2020 - Neimënster Abbey, Luxembourg
Part 8 – Dec (12) 16, 2019 – Feb 24, 2020 - Neimënster Abbey, Luxembourg
April 12,
2019 – grand unveiling Friday at 10AM of the replica
of Palmyra’s Triumphal Arch
displayed April 12-27 at The
Palace of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
April 12, 2019 - Nero's
palace reopens to the public in Rome - Domus Transitoria (or Transit House)
Razed to the ground by
the Great Fire of Rome, Emperor
Nero's original palace
opened to the public
for the first time on Friday after a painstaking ten-year restoration.
The Arch of Triumph will be at the Palace
of Nations for Passover
The Inverted Entrance to the Arch
April 29-May 1 - The Second Global Summit: "Peace, Security and Religion" in Geneva
at the Palais des Nations, Conference Room XVII [17]
at the Palais des Nations, Conference Room XVII [17]
This Second Global Summit, which is co-organized by the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (AIDLR) and the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect (OGPRtoP), will focus on promoting and protecting the human rights of religious minorities, refugees and migrants, particularly in countries where they have been or are targeted as a result of the discourse of ultra-nationalist political parties and leaders.
Organiser of II Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security
Philippians 1:13
So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace,
and in all other places;
Another archway set up next to the Nimrud exhibit
No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man” takes over Cincinnati Art Museum
started April 26 / unveil more on June 7 closes September 2, 2019.
- @ 6:23 - ARCH / "Passing Through" connections
Passing THROUGH - moving FORWARD theme of Palmyra Triumphal Arch in Italy -
No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man | Behind the Exhibition | Cincinnati Art Museum -
May 13-31 - UN 81 st Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child at Palais Wilson, Geneva
May 13- 17 - UN 22nd CSTD at the Palais des Nations, Geneva
22nd annual session of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development. -
Six public side events will flank the CSTD meetings.
May 14 - solar pioneer Bertrand Piccard, UNCTAD Deputy Secretary-General Isabelle Durant and the Ethiopian State Minister for Science and Technology Shumete Gizaw will discuss the role of start-ups in addressing today’s most pressing development challenges at 9am on 14 May. - Omega sponsor/logo
On 27 May 1931, his grandfather Auguste Piccard and Paul Kipfer took off from Augsburg, Germany, and reached a record altitude of 15,781 m (51,775 ft) (9.8 miles). (FAI Record File Number 10634) During this flight, Piccard became the first human being to enter the stratosphere,[3] and was able to gather substantial data on the upper atmosphere, as well as measure cosmic rays.
Auguste Piccard balloon Hennessy Commercial through the Firmament - 2016
74 years ago, the Charter of the United Nations was
signed at the San Francisco Conference, which took place from April 25 to June
26, 1945. This Charter remains a fundamental basis of the UN system.
world continues to confirm the time we are in. In addition to June 28, 1969 of "Pride's
Stonewall Jubilee" we have this Centennial marker:
6-28-1919 - League of Nations 100th - a result of the Paris
Peace Conference
The final Covenant of the League of Nations was drafted by a special commission, and
the League was established by Part I of the Treaty
of Versailles.
On 28 June 1919, 44 states signed the Covenant,
100th Anniversary of Signing the Treaty of Versailles
UN Library at Geneva UNOGLibrary - The Covenant of the LeagueofNations signed 100 years ago, on 28th June 1919, lays the foundations for a new system of international relations based on multilateralism Multilateralism100.
100th Anniversary of Signing the Treaty of Versailles
UN Library at Geneva UNOGLibrary - The Covenant of the LeagueofNations signed 100 years ago, on 28th June 1919, lays the foundations for a new system of international relations based on multilateralism Multilateralism100.
Painting: Johannes Bell of Germany is portrayed signing the peace treaties on 28 June 1919 in The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors by Sir William Orpen.
Five major peace treaties were prepared at the Paris Peace Conference (with, in parentheses, the affected countries):
the Treaty of Versailles, 28 June 1919, (Germany),_1919
The League sanctions were lifted on 4 July 1936
Painting: Johannes Bell of Germany is portrayed signing the peace treaties on 28 June 1919 in The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors by Sir William Orpen.
Five major peace treaties were prepared at the Paris Peace Conference (with, in parentheses, the affected countries):
the Treaty of Versailles, 28 June 1919, (Germany),_1919
The League sanctions were lifted on 4 July 1936
- When League of Nations reporters put Geneva on the map
Of all the institutions set up in Geneva under the League of Nations after World War I, only one, the International Labour Organization, survived the rise of fascism and World War II.